Friday, April 18, 2008

Someone switched the mirrors in my house...

So last weekend was my daughter's baptism - with out-of-town guests, lots of visiting ensued, my poor girl's schedule was out of whack - and so was my eating.

Are you KIDDING me? A big celebration with Ukrainians, of COURSE I had to serve perogies, meatballs, etc., but I also balanced it out with a veggie platter.

The latter remained untouched.

A house full of Ukrainians and a veggie platter? It was a nice thought with good intentions! And then with all those leftovers, well, they weren't going to eat themselves!, so needless to say I didn't even BOTHER weighing in on Tuesday! Strictly guesstimated what the scale might have said. I probably wasn't too far off.

And then, as if feeling all doughy like a perogy myself wasn't bad enough, I had "the moment".

I KNOW I put on 100lbs with my pregnancy. I KNOW I look nothing like how I did this time last year. But even with my sz 18 pants and my XXL top that I had specifically purchased to wear for Maddy's christening, I thought I looked pretty good when I stood in front of the full-length mirror in my bedroom as I was leaving for the church. I thought I was doing a good job of sucking in (of course, you can't suck in flabby stomach skin and ginormous porn-boobs!). I thought I looked pretty good for just having had a baby 3 months ago.

So I went to the church with confidence, hell, I even allowed people to take my picture.

Big mistake......and yet, a big awakening.

They sent me the pics from Maddy's baptism a couple of days later.

I gasped. I can't recall having been that mortified/horrified in years.

Who was that huge beached whale holding my daughter? My god, is that really ME?

NOT AT ALL what I saw in that mirror before I left the house. I had no idea how I REALLY look. I realize now that someone has swapped mirrors in my house with those in a circus' House of Mirrors. They gave me the extra-lengthening, uber-slimming mirror.

Well, I will be deceived no longer.

This really is the dawn of a new awakening. (Is that an Oprah book?!) A new me is on the horizon. I had a cosmetic procedure done yesterday. I'm going for a manicure/pedicure. I'm getting my hair done.....and most importantly, I'm following WW to a tee.

I have to keep reminding myself that it took me 9 months to put the weight on, and it won't come off overnight.

But I will keep the circus mirror regardless - no matter how deceiving it is, it's still nice to see what I can look like, eventually. Gives me something to work towards.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


The scale moves in my favour!

It's only down 1 lb, but it's down nonetheless! WOOHOO!

Hopefully it's the beginning of a trend.....

Feelin' pretty good today, my baby slept through the night! So I'm kinda rested today - it's 1:30pm, and I've already got my 4 APs in! I may do more, depends on how the day plays out. Got some cleaning to do, some banana bread to bake - HEY, can anyone tell me how the oil/applesauce swap works? Is it a one to one ratio? Or do I still need some oil?

Well, I'm off to get the rest of my day going! Baby's napping in her cradle swing (a MUST HAVE for any new parent!), we'll see how much I can tackle today!

Monday, April 7, 2008

12 weeks til SUMMER?

Cripes, I've got some work to do!

Today I feel pretty good - tomorrow's WI (and incidentally, my baby girl turns 13 weeks old!), and even though I'm pretty convinced it'll be another repeat of the past couple of months (read: NO CHANGE ON THE SCALE), I think it's gonna be ok.

Of course, I'm saying that now because it isn't even 1pm yet and I've already earned 6 APS, and have eaten pretty healthfully. Lots of sabotaging can happen between now and WI!

God, I really have to stop with that pessimism!

But seriously, knowing that summer's literally 3 months away, and I'm back to work in a year, and knowing that my baby girl's growing so fast that soon she'll be walking and I'll need the energy to keep up with her, my whole mindset is changing, and I'm feeling pretty good about things.

Ok, so I did the treadmill, the elliptical, stretches and weights, and life is grand! (Wow, I really have an awesome baby! I'm only able to do this b/c she's napping!) It's almost time for Degrassi: The Next Generation (god, I'm pathetic!), so I'm gonna go get my lunch ready and prepare to wake her up for her bum change and her lunch.

But before I go, here's some video I took of her the other day (speaking of feeding)...I really DO feed my daughter, but you'd never know it by the looks of this!

I really am lucky - great husband, beautiful daughter, wonderful friends and family - life is good, I'm the luckiest girl ever!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Yo-yo's are supposed to be FUN!

Well, not when it comes to the scale, that's for sure!

I thought it'd be super easy, that I'd just watch the pounds melt away after Maddy was born - NOT SO! I thought breastfeeding was supposed to help deplete the massive amount of extra weight I put on. AS IF!

Of course she's totally worth it, I just didn't think I'd have this much of a struggle!

The good news is, I have a fabulously supportive husband who's helped to set up our home gym so that I have easy access to all my equipment without having to struggle to take it out or put it away when I'm finished - now, it's all right there, right in front for me to they're intended, not just as clothes hangers anymore!! HA!

And now that Maddy almost kinda has a routine, I can almost count on being active everyday while she naps. It's just been lately, she's too much of a snugglebug and I can't seem to put her down for her regular naps, and our schedules get thrown for a loop and I'm super tired! She's just hitting another growth spurt, I know this too shall fact, now that she's in her cradle swing (Mommy's TRYING to get her to have her afternoon nap), I should really be taking advantage of this time...ok, here I go!


But before I sign off for today (again, sorry for the hiatus), Madds and I had such fun this morning, I had to pull the camera out - seriously, how cute is my little girl?!!! 12 weeks old already.... such a little lady...