I didn't get ANY APs in yesterday OR today - we have an agent coming down tonite to check out our digs to see how to price it, and baby's been a complete snugglebug - which normally, I LOVE, but I can't put her down to get anything done!
Except bake a crust for a chocolate pudding dessert for my hubby.
Scratch that....for ME. (He's not home for another hour, what he doesn't know about, he won't miss!)
Speaking of which, the graham crust is done baking. Ok, so I made it HEALTHY with l/f margarine 'n stuff....whatever, I don't even really care today!
Before I go retrieve said crust from the oven (which I should do asap before this house burns down and we can't sell it for carp!), here's a pic of my baby I took this morning! We got her a tray for her Bumbo seat, and she kept pushing all her toys off of it! Soooo cute!!!