Yep, we're finally going to tell my family tonight! And I can NOT wait!!!! I've let it sneak out to a couple of friends who have been sworn to secrecy, but I couldn't hold it in any longer!
Anyhoot, yesterday Dono picked up some iron-on transfers, and I designed the look for Lexi's shirt that we're going to put on her after dinner for my family to see! Here's what it looks like:

I can't wait for her to wear it!!! I'M SO EXCITED!
So I'm making that chicken dish I was supposed to make for them the LAST time the fam was coming over (before Dono shorted out the power to our house with his Bob Vila-ways); it's a spinach and ricotta stuffed pesto chicken breast with garlic (LOTS of garlic!), garlic mashed potatoes, homemade whole grain buns, side salad, and if I'm ambitious enough, something for dessert.....maybe just jello with strawberries in it, and cool whip on top.
That's probably a 15-pt meal right there, but my little walnut loves garlic mashed potatoes! lol
Last night we went to a social with my sis and brother, and Dono kept plying me with water when I denied others who offered me REAL drinks. I just told them that I had my period (NOBODY questions that!), and that I was hopped up on the Advil's. I hope that worked!
OOOOH, I should mention...
Mandy, you'd appreciate this - it's almost like a tribute to the awesomeness that is you and your recipes! - last night for supper, I did a twist on the Mexican Pizza!
I used the flatbread for the crust, and instead of pasta sauce, I used a can of refried beans and salsa! And instead of the gr beef, I used extra lean gr turkey, cooked it up with a package of Old El Paso taco seasoning, added some red pepper all that, with the cheese, the black beans, the green onions, some cilantro - my GOD, it was soooo delicious!!! I didn't take any piccies b/c, well, my camera-computer hook-up is stupid!
Anyhoot, I should get my day going here - hope everyone has a good one!!! I can't wait to tell you all how my family reacts to the news!!!!
That pizza sounds crazy good. Wow. And your dinner tonight sounds amazing, too. The walnut has good tastes.
I love the t-shirt! Your family is going to freak out, such a cute idea.
And ... creminis ... best I can explain is a little mini-version of portabello mushrooms. They're very meaty and flavourful, so good on the grill. :)
The mexican pizza changeup sounds fabulous! I too thought when I made it that the meat mixture would be so much better with taco seasoning - gotta try that next time!!!
yum yum pizza sounds great even if I am late on posting, it still sounds great :)
I'm very (im)patiently awaiting the story of telling your family your great news. Where are you!!!
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