Sunday, August 12, 2007

Updates 'n stuff!

I spent all day yesterday making perogies, even got up early this morning to do s'more! I still have about 40 doz left to make! Yikes! My hands are just hurting, my back is sore, but I love every minute of it! I know my Baba's proud of me!

On to other news! I wanted to blog about this a couple of days ago, right after the wicked storm Winnipeg and other parts of Manitoba was hit with. It was the night of the ultrasound (which was AMAZING, by the way! More to come on that!). Hubby and I were both completely wiped.

After I finished work at 8:30pm, hubby and I met up with some friends for wings at Smitty's (wing night - what can I say, the baby was craving it!), and by the time we got home, we couldn't wait to get to bed.

11:30pm, we're in bed.

Midnight - I hear someone walking up and down our back lane, pushing the noisiest shopping cart over bumps and cracks! So I'm awake for a bit.

1:15am - the hail starts pelting our windows. Dono and I are up, going around the house and closing windows, watching from the safety of our kitchen the lightning show outside.

2am - back to bed.

3:30am - I have to pee. !!!

5am - someone throws something in the neighbour's mailbox, and slams the GD thing shut. Right outside my window, too! I jolt up.

7am - neighbour starts having a loud conversation below my window with god knows who!

7:15am - a horn from a train in the distance goes off.....and continues to honk one continuous long honk for at LEAST 7 minutes straight.

I'm up for good!

What a crazy night that was! Why do things always happen during the night when we have a chance to sleep in the next day?!! Crappers!

(btw, we didn't get any hail damage - I was afraid for my flowers and veggies, but all is well!)

I have to go hit the shower and get ready for work now, but I will definitely be posting on our ultrasound experience! What a trip!

Have a great day everyone!


Dennis & Jodi said...

you should have CALLED me! i was up most of that night too! we could've cahtted about the storm, perogies and stuff! lol

Dennis & Jodi said...

Hey Cat are you on Facebook? if you are you can add me to your friend list-- my email is (if u want email me and i will send you all the particulars-- i am a facebook addict... among about 1000 other things! lmao)

Dennis & Jodi said...

Hey Cat!! I hope all is weel and things are going good with baby and work! Miss hear about your days!
Take care girlfriend!