So last weekend was my daughter's baptism - with out-of-town guests, lots of visiting ensued, my poor girl's schedule was out of whack - and so was my eating.
Are you KIDDING me? A big celebration with Ukrainians, of COURSE I had to serve perogies, meatballs, etc., but I also balanced it out with a veggie platter.
The latter remained untouched.
A house full of Ukrainians and a veggie platter? It was a nice thought with good intentions! And then with all those leftovers, well, they weren't going to eat themselves!, so needless to say I didn't even BOTHER weighing in on Tuesday! Strictly guesstimated what the scale might have said. I probably wasn't too far off.
And then, as if feeling all doughy like a perogy myself wasn't bad enough, I had "the moment".
I KNOW I put on 100lbs with my pregnancy. I KNOW I look nothing like how I did this time last year. But even with my sz 18 pants and my XXL top that I had specifically purchased to wear for Maddy's christening, I thought I looked pretty good when I stood in front of the full-length mirror in my bedroom as I was leaving for the church. I thought I was doing a good job of sucking in (of course, you can't suck in flabby stomach skin and ginormous porn-boobs!). I thought I looked pretty good for just having had a baby 3 months ago.
So I went to the church with confidence, hell, I even allowed people to take my picture.
Big mistake......and yet, a big awakening.
They sent me the pics from Maddy's baptism a couple of days later.
I gasped. I can't recall having been that mortified/horrified in years.
Who was that huge beached whale holding my daughter? My god, is that really ME?
NOT AT ALL what I saw in that mirror before I left the house. I had no idea how I REALLY look. I realize now that someone has swapped mirrors in my house with those in a circus' House of Mirrors. They gave me the extra-lengthening, uber-slimming mirror.
Well, I will be deceived no longer.
This really is the dawn of a new awakening. (Is that an Oprah book?!) A new me is on the horizon. I had a cosmetic procedure done yesterday. I'm going for a manicure/pedicure. I'm getting my hair done.....and most importantly, I'm following WW to a tee.
I have to keep reminding myself that it took me 9 months to put the weight on, and it won't come off overnight.
But I will keep the circus mirror regardless - no matter how deceiving it is, it's still nice to see what I can look like, eventually. Gives me something to work towards.