Starting out at a whopping 188.5lbs, I exercised, stayed OP, and in 3 months, I dropped 20lbs. I had a gaunt face, bony arms, (the big arse that won't go away!), but my stomach was still HUGE.
I did sit-ups, side bends, you name it - but nothing worked.
That's because the dr's found a large cyst in my abdomen.

So I stayed OP (aside from the occasional Big Bacon Classic from Wendy's, because my hubby was determined to see me get my boobs back!). I figured, and hoped, that I could level out at 145lb.
But almost 6 months after surgery, my weight's been hovering around the 155lb mark.
It's not that I'm at my "healthy" weight now, because BABY'S GOT BACK! I've got a few arses to lose, and some thunder thighs to tone up. So I've switched up to the Wendie Plan a couple of weeks ago in hopes of shaking things up.
To no avail.
So, fast foward to NOW - I'm going to post on this blog religiously - what I eat, how many APs I get - all that stuff, and I'm going to be forced to hold myself accountable because YOU will know if I'm lying! Hopefully, you'll hold me accountable for my slip-ups, too!
I hope my blog offers inspiration to others, because I know I've been inspired by other success stories on the boards! We're all in this for support, so let's be each other's WonderBras!

Gotta love a good head shot! Here's me, 2 months ago - faaaar left side. Got some extra baggage in those cheeks! There's my first clue that I need to change things up a bit!
*NOTE: Shrunk made a good point - the "after" pic was taken a week after surgery, and that's NOT how I still look now - that's what I'm looking to get back to - I've packed on 20lbs since then!!! Damn those Big Bacon Classics!!!
I remember Cysty! We were wondering about you after you had your surgery but you never came back to tell us how it went. Or maybe I just didn't see the post? Wow, what a relief that must be. I was suppose to email you tonight, but I am exhausted! So, I will be sure to do it tomorrow. You look so great! Are you sure you aren't just at a nice weight for you? I think you look really good right now, and not like you need to lose anymore. Where are these thunder thighs and big arse you speak of? I just don't see it :O)
lol I should have specified that this pic was taken a week after surgery, when I was at 137lbs! I've done a bit of "packing" since then....!
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