Not sure if my body just needed time to adjust to the Wendie Plan, or if those chocobran muffins really ARE a godsend!, or even if the batteries in my scale are dying!, but TODAY, MY SCALE IS MY FRIEND!!!
Somehow through the night, my body must have burned all those points I got from rolling dough and pinching perogies, and so for this morning's official WI, I'M DOWN - ANOTHER 0.5 LB FROM YESTERDAY!
Which brings my WI to........(drum roll pls)........... 152LBS!!! A total of 3lbs lost in the past week!
I had to do the double - no, QUADRUPLE scale-step, JUST to make sure, and it all read the same!
Maybe Wendie isn't so bad after all!
This heightens my motivation even MORE! I'll give good ol' Wendie another week to prove herself - and if next week is even remotely as successful as this past one was, then she'll be my pal. Otherwise, it's back to Flex - so COME ON, WENDIE! DON'T LET ME DOWN NOW!!!
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