So I was a tad neglectful of my blog today - and apparently, my plan for the day. Oopsidaisies!
I actually have a good reason - I spent all morning finishing off the perogies I started late last night (note: MAKING them, NOT eating them!), and by the time I was done, and the kitchen was cleaned, it was nap time! (Mind you, NO reason is a good reason to be neglectful of myself. Bad, bad Cat - I should have fed my body right today.)
I crashed until about 7pm, made supper for me an' DH, and then I was off to the airport to drop off the dozens of doughy goodness for my friends and co-workers.
Came home, got changed, and got in some APs! WOOHOO!
Here's a review of today's disaster!:

1 cup coffee w/ff creamer - 1
sampling perogy filling - 2
chocolate easter eggs - 3
2 cups Gardennay soup - 2
12 Triscuits - 3
= 10
2 fillets of fish - 6
1 cup whole wheat couscous - 3
salad - 0
= 9
3+L H20
5 APs!!! (4 for 30 min jogging, 1 for 30 min walking)
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