I love my air hockey table! It's not only a really fun game that provides a great right-arm workout, but it also makes a FABULOUS king-sized comforter dryer!
Just hang that puppy over the top, and let the air circulation do the rest! lol
(It's also great for providing extra surface area for folding towels, storing crap, and making vacuuming the basement difficult!) lol
Also, my fitness stepper makes a wonderful place to hang my work shirts to dry, too!
thanks babes for your support, I think I might just suck it up and go :0 I love your post today, made me die of laughter :) too funny
Hi :) Do you have any pics of your first dress?? Is there a chance that you could take some and email them to me?? What size was the dress? Thanks for your post. I really appreciate it. I'm trying not to stress about anything and just enjoy. I'll be done school in a couple of hours and that will be great.
PS - I love your blog!
too funny!
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