Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Mmmmm! Garden fresh veggies!

The radishes are all gone, the onions are just about finished - and the next veggie in line to be devoured is my cucumbers!

MMMMMMMM! I LOVE garden fresh cukes!!! Especially when they're from MY garden!

Tonite for supper, I'm making a deeeeeelicious bruschetta chicken bake with my mom's cucumber salad on the side! I picked them last night with tonite's salad in mind, so as I was chopping and slicing them up, I snuck a taste (who wouldn't?!) and WOW, they're amazing!!!

And I have so many, I could totally open up a roadside cucumber stand!

But I won't - they're just THAT good, that I'm going to eat 'em all myself!

Click on this link to get my mom's cucumber salad recipe! I know there are a few out there, but this one, IMHO, kicks ass!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

You're grounded! You're gonna stay in my uterus for 5 more months until you learn your lesson!


Yesterday was an AWESOME day!

At around 8:30pm, I decided I had a craving for ambrosia salad.

No, wait - the BABY decided s/he had a craving for ambrosia salad.

(Donovan had NO idea what ambrosia salad instead of me just sending him out to get some, I decided I should go, too!)

So we went to Superstore, made a bee-line for the deli counter. I tried to explain to Donovan what ambrosia salad is, but he still kept wanting to look in the produce section, with the other bagged salads. How cute. !!!

I looked around.....potato salad, macaroni ambrosia.

"Excuse me," I politely said to the deli counter lady, "but would you happen to know where I can find the ambrosia salad?"

She gave me this look, like "What? You didn't know?!" Recognizing that I didn't understand her facial expression, she began to explain to me that they discontinued their ambrosia salad, b/c it wasn't a "big seller".

Not a big seller? Who DOESN'T want marshmallow and coconutty goodness on a whim?

Ok, I said, we'll go elsewhere.

Next stop: Safeway. I was SURE they had some there!

Fast forward to the deli counter at Safeway: "Ummm, all our salads are here."

Me: "Yes, but is the ambrosia salad hiding somewhere else?"

Deli counter lady: "Ummm, here are all our salads."

Me: "Oh, so there's nowhere else it could be?"

Deli counter lady: "Ummmm, I'm new here. If you don't see it here, I don't think we have any."


Next stop: Sobey's.

On the way to store #3, Donovan and I were joking around that if he wasn't so patient with me, this could lead to our demise! "Look what the baby's doing to us!" we joked. "You're grounded, Baby! You're gonna stay in Mommy's uterus for 5 months until you learn your lesson!"


So back to the search: negative on the ambrosia salad at Sobey's.

"Donovan," I told my very patient and loving husband, "the last time I bought ambrosia salad (5 yrs ago!), it was at the Safeway by my parent's house! Let's go there!"

25 minutes the deli counter....negative on the ambrosia.

It was time to throw in the towel, which was fine, because by this time, my craving had worn off!

We got in the car, turned on the ignition, and the most perfect song was playing on the radio, no other tune could complement our experiences better: U2's I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.

Ahhh, I love being pregnant! It's so much fun!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Six-Inch Sub

Maintaining the trend from the past, I'm pleased to report that now I'm able to liken the size of my baby to that of a 6-inch sub!

Well, a sub that's 6.3 inches, really!

And for the first time the other day, I felt my little Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki move! A little flutter in my belly, kind of like someone tapping their fingers on the inside of my abdomen, or the famed butterfly reference - or the little bubbles of a carbonated beverage!

SOOOOOO cool!!!!

I'm scheduled for an ultrasound August 9th. Although at this point we'd be able to tell what the sex of the baby is, I wanna gives you few true surprises, and I want to take advantage of this one! It's a biggie!

I ordered a pregnancy workout video, and it arrived in the mail the other day! I'm soooo looking forward to doing it, I really haven't been very active at all, besides walking, in 4 months. The chick in the video used to be with Cirque de Soleil (?), so I'm confident that once I'm done the video, and by the time I finish birthing my child, I'll have her body! lol I just can't wait to find the energy to actually do this video - these 5am starts are wiping me out! I'm off tomorrow and Wednesday though, so we'll see what happens!

In other news!, shopping for replacement items for the insurance claim is now complete. I can't believe that all the stuff they took totals nearly $2000, so that $500 ain't so bad. I get a brand new bike & roller blades outta the deal! Can't argue with that! Although I'm still paranoid (woke up at midnight last night b/c I thought I heard noises in the backyard), and although I'll still do a double-take when I'm driving past kids on bikes (is THAT Donovan's bike?!), I think we're more aware now, and we're taking the proper steps to prevent this from happening again.

Hopefully my street - the infamous Magnus Ave (yup, 3 shootings in 2 days....but NOWHERE near MY place!) will soon become recognized for another reason - I'd love to see it become the most turned-around street in the city, in MY lifetime.

Well, my lifetime on Magnus anyways.

We'll only be here a couple more years before we move to my mansion in the rich part of town. !!!!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Don't anger the pregnant lady!

I tried to post this yesterday, as the emotion was very raw and the pissed-off factor was at an all time high!, but to add insult to injury, I couldn't access my blog to post anything!


I'm ok now!

We woke up early b/c we were having some guy come down and look at our kitchen - we're getting it renovated (I'm tired of having to fight with the drawers to get them open just for a fork!...mind you, that would be a great weight loss tool, if I can't access my cutlery..!) LOL

Anyhoot, Kitchen Buddy was coming at 7:30am. Our alarm was set for 6:30am. The alarm goes off, Dono says, "Kitty (that's his nickname for me!), you rest for 15 more min. I'll go make you breakfast (is it any wonder why I married this man?!)."

He comes back 3 minutes later.

"You need to get up, Cat, wake up."

Me, thinking that Kitchen Buddy has arrived super early, rolls outta bed and prepares to beautify myself as best I can with the limited amount of time I'm given.

Only Kitchen Buddy isn't there yet.

Turns out Dono discovered our garage got broken into during the night.


This has been the SECOND break-in for us, the first being our house almost 3 yrs ago when we first moved in.

They didn't take my car, they didn't vandalize or break anything, so I guess we're pretty lucky.


The souped-up, pimped-out bike that HE picked out, that I haven't even finished paying for, the bike he's only had a chance to ride ONCE.

OOOOOOOOHHHHH! Just let me get my hands on those suckers! I don't care how big they are, but I'm fighting for 2 now! I've got the power of a grown woman and a little baby! Just LET THEM TRY to escape the horror I've got planned for them!

(The hormones and emotions in pregnancy are a wild and wonderful thing!)

So in addition to HIS bike, they took mine, Dono's mitre saw (I don't even know what that is, but I know he was pretty upset about it), and his huge bag of hockey equipment. Oh, and my roller blades, a weedwacker, and some other things.

They busted their way through the side door, but not before tampering with our motion light and disabling it. THEN, they climbed over the NEW FENCE we just had put in - the 6ft high fence (we could tell that's where they left from, b/c it had been raining that night, and there are mud skid marks going up a couple of the panels).

So just after we start taking inventory, Kitchen Buddy shows up, and we have to be all friendly and focused with him!

And THEN, an hour later, I'm boarding a flight to Calgary for a meeting!

I'm tired, angry, feeling violated - and I have to be on my game. My blood pressure was through the roof, my poor baby must've thought I was nuts!

Anyhoo, that's been my day. I got back home last night just before 10pm, and today I'm so wiped. It's thundering outside, but I need to keep on looking out the window just to make sure it's not some more punks trying to break into something else.

I love when paranoia sets in.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Sick and tired :(

If there's one thing I hate more than headcheese and monkeys, it's being sick in the summertime.

It's hot outside, it's July, my holidays are almost up - and I'm SICK. Ugh.

I just sent DH out to the 24hr Shoppers to pick me up some Vicks VapoRub (god bless the 24hr Shoppers!), and while I'm waiting for him to return, I thought I'd pop on here! I feel so bad b/c hubby and I had pretty much all week off together, and had planned on getting lots of stuff done around the house - ie. finishing up reno projects we started last year, putting up our new LED Christmas lights, etc etc etc.

But the past few days, I've been a lump! I went for some dr prescribed bloodwork yesterday (one round of 2 that I have to go through, for now), and she took so many vials of blood that I was completely wiped - and now, today, I've been so useless!

I'm so lucky that he's so understanding, patient and compassionate! AND he demands I stay in bed and rest while he does the housework! Man, we've been married almost 3 yrs, and I sure hope this doesn't wear off!

Well, I'm finally going to post some pics!

We went to Countryfest this weekend - OH MY GOD, am I getting too old for this! We went up with our friend in the radio station's hummer, and as we pulled in, 17yr old half-naked drunk girls were climbing all over the car, screaming "OH MY GOD, IT'S HANK!" (he works for Hank FM). They were literally climbing INTO the hummer, ONTO the hummer....Dono and I were just laughing as I let my video camera roll, and our buddy was so patient with them, it was great watching him be all professional!

It was a whirlwind weekend! Sorry Jodi, that I didn't pop into Neepawa, although we did drive past/through it! And I'm not a country music fan, but I did get excited when I heard the Honkey Tonk Bedonkadonk song! That one cracks me up!

Anyhoot, here are a few pics from the weekend:
Here's my DH, pleasing the crowds with his dulcet tones on the karaoke machine to the musical stylings of Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive! (He used to be in a band - was the drummer and back-up vocalist, so he's got a fantastic voice!)

And then some chick jumped up on stage to sing with him!

After he did his song, he and I did one of our favourite duets - Don't Let The Sun Go Down on Me! He was George Michael, and I was Elton!

(Just fyi, our other favourite duet is Aaron Neville & Linda Ronstadt's hit, Don't Know Much!)

As we packed up the hummer and got ready to go, I snapped this shot of Dono and our friend from the station - don't they look handsome (and extremely tired!)?!

Well, Dono's home from the drugstore now - I'm going to slather that vapo-rub all over, and then sing its praises to all who will listen!

Hope everyone had a great long weekend!