It's hot outside, it's July, my holidays are almost up - and I'm SICK. Ugh.
I just sent DH out to the 24hr Shoppers to pick me up some Vicks VapoRub (god bless the 24hr Shoppers!), and while I'm waiting for him to return, I thought I'd pop on here! I feel so bad b/c hubby and I had pretty much all week off together, and had planned on getting lots of stuff done around the house - ie. finishing up reno projects we started last year, putting up our new LED Christmas lights, etc etc etc.
But the past few days, I've been a lump! I went for some dr prescribed bloodwork yesterday (one round of 2 that I have to go through, for now), and she took so many vials of blood that I was completely wiped - and now, today, I've been so useless!
I'm so lucky that he's so understanding, patient and compassionate! AND he demands I stay in bed and rest while he does the housework! Man, we've been married almost 3 yrs, and I sure hope this doesn't wear off!
Well, I'm finally going to post some pics!
We went to Countryfest this weekend - OH MY GOD, am I getting too old for this! We went up with our friend in the radio station's hummer, and as we pulled in, 17yr old half-naked drunk girls were climbing all over the car, screaming "OH MY GOD, IT'S HANK!" (he works for Hank FM). They were literally climbing INTO the hummer, ONTO the hummer....Dono and I were just laughing as I let my video camera roll, and our buddy was so patient with them, it was great watching him be all professional!
It was a whirlwind weekend! Sorry Jodi, that I didn't pop into Neepawa, although we did drive past/through it! And I'm not a country music fan, but I did get excited when I heard the Honkey Tonk Bedonkadonk song! That one cracks me up!
Anyhoot, here are a few pics from the weekend:

Here's my DH, pleasing the crowds with his dulcet tones on the karaoke machine to the musical stylings of Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive! (He used to be in a band - was the drummer and back-up vocalist, so he's got a fantastic voice!)

And then some chick jumped up on stage to sing with him!
After he did his song, he and I did one of our favourite duets - Don't Let The Sun Go Down on Me! He was George Michael, and I was Elton!
(Just fyi, our other favourite duet is Aaron Neville & Linda Ronstadt's hit, Don't Know Much!)

As we packed up the hummer and got ready to go, I snapped this shot of Dono and our friend from the station - don't they look handsome (and extremely tired!)?!
Well, Dono's home from the drugstore now - I'm going to slather that vapo-rub all over, and then sing its praises to all who will listen!
Hope everyone had a great long weekend!
Well, Dono's home from the drugstore now - I'm going to slather that vapo-rub all over, and then sing its praises to all who will listen!
Hope everyone had a great long weekend!
Oh wow! I'm SO jealous that you were at countryfest! Someday I want to go. I'm sorry you are sick. That is sucky. Feel better soon. Oh, and if you wanna see my rock you should check out my facebook. Need to add me as a friend though. Search for Kathryn Richert. I have lots of pics there. :)
Feel better.
k freakin seriously, second trimester?? Where have I been. How far along are you now? Seriously!! I am SO excited for you. :) I just quickly skimmed over a bunch of your posts. You look so great too. I loved the part about the boobs. DF already is so pumped for me to be pregnant for that The whole reminding him that they aren't his toys just made me giggle.
Hey Cat! thanks for the offer, but on the saturday before we left for camping hubby took me into Brdn to get a new suit! (he passed about 300 of them into the change room and had me model them! lol) So i am set AND i wore it while at the beach at the camp gournd (lynch point)... i will set some pics on my blog when i get a few minutes to update!)
So sorry to hear u arent feelin great! that so sucks, but is it nice to hear hubby is doing those little extras to make u feel better!)
Well i have to go and unwind.... home now nad back into real life mode i guess..*sigh* i wanna go back to the camp!!! lol
Great photos... and congrats on the pregnency. I have heard that it is pretty normal during the first and part of the second trimester to feel really lazy and lathargic. Its just cause your body is going through a massive change right now and it will take time to adapt, and then before you know it... you will have a little one in your arms :)
Those are great photos. Get well soon!
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