The radishes are all gone, the onions are just about finished - and the next veggie in line to be devoured is my cucumbers!
MMMMMMMM! I LOVE garden fresh cukes!!! Especially when they're from MY garden!

Tonite for supper, I'm making a deeeeeelicious bruschetta chicken bake with my mom's cucumber salad on the side! I picked them last night with tonite's salad in mind, so as I was chopping and slicing them up, I snuck a taste (who wouldn't?!) and WOW, they're amazing!!!
And I have so many, I could totally open up a roadside cucumber stand!
But I won't - they're just THAT good, that I'm going to eat 'em all myself!
Click on this
link to get my mom's cucumber salad recipe! I know there are a few out there, but this one, IMHO, kicks ass!
Sounds yum!! I heart cucumber!!
I can't wait to one day have my own garden!!!
Thanks :)
My cucumbers are about a millimeter long right now. How early did you plant yours???? So jealous!
hoping everything is going ok Cat and you made it thru that heat spell!
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