Maintaining the trend from the past, I'm pleased to report that now I'm able to liken the size of my baby to that of a 6-inch sub!
Well, a sub that's 6.3 inches, really!
And for the first time the other day, I felt my little Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki move! A little flutter in my belly, kind of like someone tapping their fingers on the inside of my abdomen, or the famed butterfly reference - or the little bubbles of a carbonated beverage!
SOOOOOO cool!!!!
I'm scheduled for an ultrasound August 9th. Although at this point we'd be able to tell what the sex of the baby is, I wanna wait....life gives you few true surprises, and I want to take advantage of this one! It's a biggie!
I ordered a pregnancy workout video, and it arrived in the mail the other day! I'm soooo looking forward to doing it, I really haven't been very active at all, besides walking, in 4 months. The chick in the video used to be with Cirque de Soleil (?), so I'm confident that once I'm done the video, and by the time I finish birthing my child, I'll have her body! lol I just can't wait to find the energy to actually do this video - these 5am starts are wiping me out! I'm off tomorrow and Wednesday though, so we'll see what happens!
In other news!, shopping for replacement items for the insurance claim is now complete. I can't believe that all the stuff they took totals nearly $2000, so that $500 ain't so bad. I get a brand new bike & roller blades outta the deal! Can't argue with that! Although I'm still paranoid (woke up at midnight last night b/c I thought I heard noises in the backyard), and although I'll still do a double-take when I'm driving past kids on bikes (is THAT Donovan's bike?!), I think we're more aware now, and we're taking the proper steps to prevent this from happening again.
Hopefully my street - the infamous Magnus Ave (yup, 3 shootings in 2 days....but NOWHERE near MY place!) will soon become recognized for another reason - I'd love to see it become the most turned-around street in the city, in MY lifetime.
Well, my lifetime on Magnus anyways.
We'll only be here a couple more years before we move to my mansion in the rich part of town. !!!!
Hope everyone has a great day!
WOW Cirque de Soleil body here you come! (will you weat the cool makeup and outfits to work to then! lol)
I so love how you compare your bump to food-- i was soooooo the same and my doctor would laugh his head off when i would liken it to something! I say what ever works to give you the idea of the size and weight! lol
lol I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who compares a baby belly to food! It's kinda fun, puts things in perspective!
And as for the cool Cirque make-up - I AM a Sephora addict, and I have all the colours to make it work! I totally should just get all dolled up like a performer and give'r, eh?! I'll have Dono take a picture and I'll post it up here!
Ummm....maybe not....!
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