Saturday, October 20, 2007
Holy crap, I need to tattoo my password on my forehead!
Look what happens when I get caught up in other things, have baby brain, and forget my password for this blog!
Well, I've figured it out, and here I am!
It's been, what, 2 MONTHS since my last post? Crappers, well, lots obviously has happened.
First off, as of today, I'm 30 WEEKS pregnant, and loving every minute of it! I've started a baby blog with my hubby, so that, combined with getting our house ready, has taken up a lot of time.
I was never a big craver of junk food since getting knocked up, but I think that my body may have been really underweight when I got pregnant b/c I've put on a LOT of weight.
60 pounds.
So far.
!!!!!!!!!! Good lord, to actually type that out scares me!
I know half of that is boobs!, and with all the healthy eating and walking I do, there isn't much that's in my control when it comes to this weight gain. I just take comfort in people like Shrunkie, who for one has been a huge inspiration to me. Beautiful children and an amazing weight loss story! I know WW worked for me before, so I'm not too concerned with my tremendous gain, b/c I know I'll be getting right back into it as soon as baby's born.
It just sucks now, that's all! Having put all my sz 4 pants and XS shirts in bins, perhaps never to be seen again!, to make room for all my faternity clothes - a TAD depressing. My fingers have become sausages, I can't wear my wedding rings anymore. When I take my socks off at the end of the day, I have such incredible indentations in my calves from where the socks were.
Water retention's a bitch!
Well, at 30 weeks, despite me feeling like a house, I LOVE being pregnant! Hubby and I can watch my belly moving from side to side for hours! It's SOOO COOL watching the kicks and punches! Baby's already over 3lbs and 17'ish inches long! Not long now til I pop!
I really should get hubby to take some pics of my belly, as much as I hate being photographed, I really want to document this amazing journey!
We don't know if it's a boy or a girl, and we're loving the surprise aspect of it! I have no clue, no matter how much I think it's a boy, I can't help but think I'm always wrong, so I should prep for a girl!
Time will tell.
Off to bed for me! Sorry for the HUGE hiatus I took here, but I'll try to be more regular with this - I know once I jump back on the WW wagon, I'll be doing this more frequently, assuming baby'll let me!
Hope everyone is well!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Updates 'n stuff!
On to other news! I wanted to blog about this a couple of days ago, right after the wicked storm Winnipeg and other parts of Manitoba was hit with. It was the night of the ultrasound (which was AMAZING, by the way! More to come on that!). Hubby and I were both completely wiped.
After I finished work at 8:30pm, hubby and I met up with some friends for wings at Smitty's (wing night - what can I say, the baby was craving it!), and by the time we got home, we couldn't wait to get to bed.
11:30pm, we're in bed.
Midnight - I hear someone walking up and down our back lane, pushing the noisiest shopping cart over bumps and cracks! So I'm awake for a bit.
1:15am - the hail starts pelting our windows. Dono and I are up, going around the house and closing windows, watching from the safety of our kitchen the lightning show outside.
2am - back to bed.
3:30am - I have to pee. !!!
5am - someone throws something in the neighbour's mailbox, and slams the GD thing shut. Right outside my window, too! I jolt up.
7am - neighbour starts having a loud conversation below my window with god knows who!
7:15am - a horn from a train in the distance goes off.....and continues to honk one continuous long honk for at LEAST 7 minutes straight.
I'm up for good!
What a crazy night that was! Why do things always happen during the night when we have a chance to sleep in the next day?!! Crappers!
(btw, we didn't get any hail damage - I was afraid for my flowers and veggies, but all is well!)
I have to go hit the shower and get ready for work now, but I will definitely be posting on our ultrasound experience! What a trip!
Have a great day everyone!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Craziness ensues!
Man, one thing after another around here, I swear I'm gonna go crazy!
We've just been real busy with reno's and work and everything in between. My hrs at work are long - 10.5hr days, I'm home by 9pm and I usually just have enough energy to eat and go to bed!
Today is day 4 of 4 for me, but it's a shorter one - Dono and I are heading down to the hospital this morning for our first ultrasound! SOOOO exciting!
Then I'm at work right after. Oh well!
I'm off Fri and Sat, was supposed to be off Sun, but to cover the 4hrs I'm missing today, I picked up a bitty shift then. Ahhh, shift work...! This weekend, I'm also going on a perogy-blitz, so far I have orders to fill that total 48 dozen! It's gonna be a long weekend, that's for sure!
Anyhoot, I have to go jump in the shower and get my day going here - I just wanted to pop in to let y'all know I'm still around! Thanks for sticking around and reading my lil' blog, even if I don't do anything to it for a few days!
Hope you guys have a great day!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Mmmmm! Garden fresh veggies!
MMMMMMMM! I LOVE garden fresh cukes!!! Especially when they're from MY garden!

And I have so many, I could totally open up a roadside cucumber stand!
But I won't - they're just THAT good, that I'm going to eat 'em all myself!
Click on this link to get my mom's cucumber salad recipe! I know there are a few out there, but this one, IMHO, kicks ass!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
You're grounded! You're gonna stay in my uterus for 5 more months until you learn your lesson!
Yesterday was an AWESOME day!
At around 8:30pm, I decided I had a craving for ambrosia salad.
No, wait - the BABY decided s/he had a craving for ambrosia salad.

So we went to Superstore, made a bee-line for the deli counter. I tried to explain to Donovan what ambrosia salad is, but he still kept wanting to look in the produce section, with the other bagged salads. How cute. !!!
I looked around.....potato salad, macaroni ambrosia.
"Excuse me," I politely said to the deli counter lady, "but would you happen to know where I can find the ambrosia salad?"
She gave me this look, like "What? You didn't know?!" Recognizing that I didn't understand her facial expression, she began to explain to me that they discontinued their ambrosia salad, b/c it wasn't a "big seller".
Not a big seller? Who DOESN'T want marshmallow and coconutty goodness on a whim?
Ok, I said, we'll go elsewhere.
Next stop: Safeway. I was SURE they had some there!
Fast forward to the deli counter at Safeway: "Ummm, all our salads are here."
Me: "Yes, but is the ambrosia salad hiding somewhere else?"
Deli counter lady: "Ummm, here are all our salads."
Me: "Oh, so there's nowhere else it could be?"
Deli counter lady: "Ummmm, I'm new here. If you don't see it here, I don't think we have any."
Next stop: Sobey's.
On the way to store #3, Donovan and I were joking around that if he wasn't so patient with me, this could lead to our demise! "Look what the baby's doing to us!" we joked. "You're grounded, Baby! You're gonna stay in Mommy's uterus for 5 months until you learn your lesson!"
So back to the search: negative on the ambrosia salad at Sobey's.
"Donovan," I told my very patient and loving husband, "the last time I bought ambrosia salad (5 yrs ago!), it was at the Safeway by my parent's house! Let's go there!"
25 minutes the deli counter....negative on the ambrosia.
It was time to throw in the towel, which was fine, because by this time, my craving had worn off!
We got in the car, turned on the ignition, and the most perfect song was playing on the radio, no other tune could complement our experiences better: U2's I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.
Ahhh, I love being pregnant! It's so much fun!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Six-Inch Sub

Maintaining the trend from the past, I'm pleased to report that now I'm able to liken the size of my baby to that of a 6-inch sub!
Well, a sub that's 6.3 inches, really!
And for the first time the other day, I felt my little Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki move! A little flutter in my belly, kind of like someone tapping their fingers on the inside of my abdomen, or the famed butterfly reference - or the little bubbles of a carbonated beverage!
SOOOOOO cool!!!!
I'm scheduled for an ultrasound August 9th. Although at this point we'd be able to tell what the sex of the baby is, I wanna gives you few true surprises, and I want to take advantage of this one! It's a biggie!
I ordered a pregnancy workout video, and it arrived in the mail the other day! I'm soooo looking forward to doing it, I really haven't been very active at all, besides walking, in 4 months. The chick in the video used to be with Cirque de Soleil (?), so I'm confident that once I'm done the video, and by the time I finish birthing my child, I'll have her body! lol I just can't wait to find the energy to actually do this video - these 5am starts are wiping me out! I'm off tomorrow and Wednesday though, so we'll see what happens!
In other news!, shopping for replacement items for the insurance claim is now complete. I can't believe that all the stuff they took totals nearly $2000, so that $500 ain't so bad. I get a brand new bike & roller blades outta the deal! Can't argue with that! Although I'm still paranoid (woke up at midnight last night b/c I thought I heard noises in the backyard), and although I'll still do a double-take when I'm driving past kids on bikes (is THAT Donovan's bike?!), I think we're more aware now, and we're taking the proper steps to prevent this from happening again.
Hopefully my street - the infamous Magnus Ave (yup, 3 shootings in 2 days....but NOWHERE near MY place!) will soon become recognized for another reason - I'd love to see it become the most turned-around street in the city, in MY lifetime.
Well, my lifetime on Magnus anyways.
We'll only be here a couple more years before we move to my mansion in the rich part of town. !!!!
Hope everyone has a great day!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Don't anger the pregnant lady!
I'm ok now!
We woke up early b/c we were having some guy come down and look at our kitchen - we're getting it renovated (I'm tired of having to fight with the drawers to get them open just for a fork!...mind you, that would be a great weight loss tool, if I can't access my cutlery..!) LOL
Anyhoot, Kitchen Buddy was coming at 7:30am. Our alarm was set for 6:30am. The alarm goes off, Dono says, "Kitty (that's his nickname for me!), you rest for 15 more min. I'll go make you breakfast (is it any wonder why I married this man?!)."
He comes back 3 minutes later.
"You need to get up, Cat, wake up."
Me, thinking that Kitchen Buddy has arrived super early, rolls outta bed and prepares to beautify myself as best I can with the limited amount of time I'm given.
Only Kitchen Buddy isn't there yet.
Turns out Dono discovered our garage got broken into during the night.
This has been the SECOND break-in for us, the first being our house almost 3 yrs ago when we first moved in.
They didn't take my car, they didn't vandalize or break anything, so I guess we're pretty lucky.
The souped-up, pimped-out bike that HE picked out, that I haven't even finished paying for, the bike he's only had a chance to ride ONCE.
OOOOOOOOHHHHH! Just let me get my hands on those suckers! I don't care how big they are, but I'm fighting for 2 now! I've got the power of a grown woman and a little baby! Just LET THEM TRY to escape the horror I've got planned for them!
(The hormones and emotions in pregnancy are a wild and wonderful thing!)
So in addition to HIS bike, they took mine, Dono's mitre saw (I don't even know what that is, but I know he was pretty upset about it), and his huge bag of hockey equipment. Oh, and my roller blades, a weedwacker, and some other things.
They busted their way through the side door, but not before tampering with our motion light and disabling it. THEN, they climbed over the NEW FENCE we just had put in - the 6ft high fence (we could tell that's where they left from, b/c it had been raining that night, and there are mud skid marks going up a couple of the panels).
So just after we start taking inventory, Kitchen Buddy shows up, and we have to be all friendly and focused with him!
And THEN, an hour later, I'm boarding a flight to Calgary for a meeting!
I'm tired, angry, feeling violated - and I have to be on my game. My blood pressure was through the roof, my poor baby must've thought I was nuts!
Anyhoo, that's been my day. I got back home last night just before 10pm, and today I'm so wiped. It's thundering outside, but I need to keep on looking out the window just to make sure it's not some more punks trying to break into something else.
I love when paranoia sets in.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Sick and tired :(
It's hot outside, it's July, my holidays are almost up - and I'm SICK. Ugh.
I just sent DH out to the 24hr Shoppers to pick me up some Vicks VapoRub (god bless the 24hr Shoppers!), and while I'm waiting for him to return, I thought I'd pop on here! I feel so bad b/c hubby and I had pretty much all week off together, and had planned on getting lots of stuff done around the house - ie. finishing up reno projects we started last year, putting up our new LED Christmas lights, etc etc etc.
But the past few days, I've been a lump! I went for some dr prescribed bloodwork yesterday (one round of 2 that I have to go through, for now), and she took so many vials of blood that I was completely wiped - and now, today, I've been so useless!
I'm so lucky that he's so understanding, patient and compassionate! AND he demands I stay in bed and rest while he does the housework! Man, we've been married almost 3 yrs, and I sure hope this doesn't wear off!
Well, I'm finally going to post some pics!
We went to Countryfest this weekend - OH MY GOD, am I getting too old for this! We went up with our friend in the radio station's hummer, and as we pulled in, 17yr old half-naked drunk girls were climbing all over the car, screaming "OH MY GOD, IT'S HANK!" (he works for Hank FM). They were literally climbing INTO the hummer, ONTO the hummer....Dono and I were just laughing as I let my video camera roll, and our buddy was so patient with them, it was great watching him be all professional!
It was a whirlwind weekend! Sorry Jodi, that I didn't pop into Neepawa, although we did drive past/through it! And I'm not a country music fan, but I did get excited when I heard the Honkey Tonk Bedonkadonk song! That one cracks me up!
Anyhoot, here are a few pics from the weekend:

Here's my DH, pleasing the crowds with his dulcet tones on the karaoke machine to the musical stylings of Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive! (He used to be in a band - was the drummer and back-up vocalist, so he's got a fantastic voice!)

And then some chick jumped up on stage to sing with him!
After he did his song, he and I did one of our favourite duets - Don't Let The Sun Go Down on Me! He was George Michael, and I was Elton!
(Just fyi, our other favourite duet is Aaron Neville & Linda Ronstadt's hit, Don't Know Much!)

Well, Dono's home from the drugstore now - I'm going to slather that vapo-rub all over, and then sing its praises to all who will listen!
Hope everyone had a great long weekend!
Friday, June 29, 2007
I've got the coolest baby ever!

It was with me when I went for my tattoo, it came with me to the Rod Stewart show, and NOW, so as not to limit or influence my baby's musical tastes, I'm bringing my baby to Countryfest!

Well, it's on a hill, and it's been rainy quite a bit, so I'm not wearing my best cowboy boots.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
More than just pee on a stick!!!
Yesterday's adventure sealed the deal for me - I heard my baby's heartbeat!!!
I was starting to think, "What if I'm not pregnant?" I watch too many of those programs on TLC, and I saw one where a woman actually believed she was pregnant that her body started to change and grow as if she was - but she really wasn't, and had never been.
What if that was me?, I wondered.
I mean, all I was going on was porn boobs and pee on a stick! I didn't really FEEL anything.
So yesterday, at my first prenatal app't, I was a bit anxious to hear that heartbeat....and when I heard it, my whole life just changed. It's really REAL now! I have a little baby growing inside of me, dependant on EVERYTHING I do. I'm solely responsible for the health and safety of this little being. It's such an overwhelming feeling, I'm tearing up just typing about it! (hormones)
Aside from THAT excitement, WOW, what an exhausting week this has been! We flew my uncle in from Vancouver on Friday, and the surprise went flawlessly! My mom was in tears and couldn't stop hugging him! It was like watching an Oprah reunion!
Then my dad's bday was the next day, and then their anniversary, and today my uncle is taking us all out to dinner, but the family's coming by my house first to visit me!
Which means I have LOTS of stuff to do around here before they come!
I have pics to post, but no time to today - I'll get 'em up soon! Hope everyone has a good day!!!
I'm a neat freak, only when I have company, mind you - so I have cleaning to do, and some baking and what not.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
I'm losing it!
So this is what just happened to me - I worked until 1230, went to Superstore for some groceries for my potato salad, but didn't have the energy to start making it just yet, so I just curled up on the couch for an afternoon nap!
WELL, I just woke up from my nap, after maybe 1 1/2 hrs, in a HUFF, b/c I was dreaming about all these yummy cookies, and

HUBBY'S STILL AT WORK, and there are NO cookies in the house!, but I was halfway up the stairs before I completely woke up and rea

The mind is a crazy, crazy place!
I wish I picked up some cookies from the grocery mind's OBVIOUSLY trying to tell me that the baby NEEDS cookies, right?!!! LOL!!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
My weekend's over now :(
Who can go to bed at 7:30pm the night before?
I'll have to try, just to at least get my 8hrs in (I'll be up by 3:30am....I'm always up 2hrs before my shift). That blows chunks! Ah well, just a few more shifts, and then as of Monday, I'm on holidays for 2 wks! I'm on tomorrow, Friday and Sunday,'s gonna be the longest weekend EVER to get to my time off, but you can bet I'll be appreciating my holidays thaaaaat much more!
These next few days are gonna be totally jam-packed for sure!
My mom's milestone 60th birthday is on Friday, my dad's bday is on Saturday, their anniversary is on Tuesday, and Dono and I go to hear our baby's heartbeat on Wednesday!
So for my mom's big milestone - she hates the thought of turning 60, and doesn't really want a huge deal made out of her day, but I couldn't let it go without having something special happen - sooooo, my family got together and agreed to chip in - and we're flying my uncle (her brother) in from Vancouver on Friday afternoon to pop in and surprise her for her birthday!
One of the perks of working for an airline! I mailed out his buddy pass to him on Monday, and he got it yesterday! My mom's gonna be SO excited!
So Dono and I are gonna pick him up from the airport at 6pm and bring him with us to dinner at my parent's house! I can't wait to see her face!
I also managed to get her an autographed Larry Hagman (JR Ewing from Dallas, one of her fav shows!) photo that says, "Happy 60th Birthday, Darlin'!" I hope she gets a kick outta it!
Then for my dad's birthday, Dono and I bought him (and my mom, essentially) tickets to the Moody Blues show coming up next month! He'd been hinting around that he wanted to go for a while, so this'll finally shut his yap! lol
Oooh, it's gonna be fun! The big family bbq on Friday - my brother's cooking up a gourment chicken dish, and I'm making homemade potato salad (never made it before, but I wanna try!), PLUS my famous fresh fruit salsa, and homemade buns!
So those are my plans for the weekend! What's everyone else up to?!
I can't believe I'm in my second trimester!!! This is crazy!!!
Ok, it's just after 6pm and I have to start getting ready for bed now (start winding down so that I'm actually asleep by 7:30. This SUCKS!!!) bah.
Have a great night everyone!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Well, this is it - I'm OFFICIALLY in my 2nd trimester!!!!
And "they" were right - I DO feel a helluva lot better now than I did the past few months, I have energy again! I can't wait to just find the time now to get my arse in gear and go walking or swimming, just to do SOMETHING to tone up my thighs and rump!
Yesterday was a really good day - hubby picked me up from work and took me to Polo Park mall to return some shoes that I purchased online (addiction!), and while we were there, we just HAPPENED to walk past Thyme Maternity, and we just HAPPENED to casually saunter in...I was hesitant about going in there, as I heard how crazy expensive it was, but we went on a good day! SALE!!! I didn't go crazy (although I probably should have, since Dono was paying and I need more clothes!), but I was feeling gross and greasy since I was still in my work clothes and was tired from being on my feet all day.
HOWEVER, I did find a great pair of pants, reg $60 on for $20, and a cute blue top for the same!
Even though my belly isn't hard yet (it's still mushey from all the fluid in my body now, and it makes me look fat - ugh!), I still felt great in my new form-fitting shirt!
Ahh, the joys of pregnancy! Y'know what though, I'd been wanting this for so long, that I'm totally embracing EVERY MOMENT of it!
(ps. my baby is growing like crazy! S/he's now the size of my hand, from the bottom of my palm to the middle of my middle finger!!!!!!) GO BABY, GO!!!
So the Ex last night was SUPER fun! I'm a big crazy rider, so it was really tough for me not to go on any of the outrageous rides they had - but we did get some mini donuts, play some games, win some prizes, and did LOTS of walking around, taking in the sights and sounds of the fair! It was SOOO much fun! We'll definitely be going back, and I'll be sure to take my camera when the batteries are fully charged! Good times!
Ok, I'm off to get my day going - we're having a big ol' bbq at my parent's place for Father's Day, and I'm bringing the fruit salsa and dessert. Gotta go figure out what dessert's gonna be! Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Good Tuesday Evening!
I have some good news!!! I visited with my sis yesterday, and mentioned to her that I need to pick up a new bra, because my girls are just outta control! She said I could have her old maternity bras (only from a couple of years ago, and I'll do anything to save a buck!) - so I took them....and I went from my familiar A cup to almost a freakin' DOUBLE D!!!!
Needless to say, Dono is QUITE pleased with my new...uhhh...assets!....but I've had to tell him at LEAST once a day, "THESE ARE NOT A TOY!" lol They're not AS sore as they used to be, but they're still not NOT sore....never in my life had I ever dreamed I'd have porn boobs! HAHAHA! And now I totally do! Move over, Pamela Anderson!!
Hubby and I went out shopping this evening, and instead of wearing an extra baggy shirt (my ponch is getting quite, uh, ponchy...?!!), I opted instead for a top from the selection of mat clothes my sis gave me the other day. And I felt GREAT in it! I used to be so self-conscious about sucking in my gut, when I had the cyst, I was always nervous about my belly. And even though I'm still in the "I feel fat, not pregnant" stages, I just didn't care! I let it hang out, and I felt good about my lil' belly!
After all, I AM harvesting fruit in there (as my last post stated, baby's the size of a plum or a small apple now!!!!!)
Anyhoot, looks like we're in for another supposed thunderstorm tonite. We had to put the air on yesterday for the first time this year, it's just been soooo muggy, and we slept with it on last night. Tonite, though, I think there's a nice breeze, so we're gonna crank them windows!
Ok, I'm off to bed! Hope everyone has a great night/day!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Baby brain!

Whatta rip off!
I LOVE big ol' scary thunderstorms, and I was gearing up for a good time...ah well, I'm sure there'll be plenty of time for storms this summer!

Oh yeah - and my WW account has officially been cancelled. :( It's been a part of me for so long, and I loved being a part of the support system, but I guess I have to break away from it for now - but I vow to myself that I WILL rejoin in the new year!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Plus I've got the snuffles. I just feel sick all around!
Last night we FINALLY planted our garden! (Well, Dono did - he didn't want me doing any manual labour, so he sat me in a chair to supervise his first attempts at doing anything Martha-Stewarty!) It turned out alright! I'm so excited, it finally looks so pretty with colour - I'll take some piccies and post 'em up - in our veggie garden, we planted carrots, celery, red and green bell peppers, radishes, red onion and cucumber. MMMM! And in the backyard, we have 3 lil' flower beds to fill, so fill them we did! The only thing we didn't get to was the front flower beds, but that'll come.
Ok, so anyone else a Facebook addict? I'm seriously stuck on that, I think I need to join a support group or something! HA!
Allllrighty, I have to get ready for work now - hope everyone has a great day!
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Sens Success Saturday!

It's a late posting, I know - but hubby and I watched the Sens play in game 3 of the Stanley Cup finals tonite (I used to HATE I can almost stomach it...that's what I get for marrying a hockey fan!). Anyhoot, I can't believe that I'm excited to report that the Sens won!
I'm also a nard.
So I thought I could make it, I was feeling fine this morning, but 2 hrs into my shift at work, I was ready to yak up last week's lunch! So I went home sick, and slept, slept, slept! Kinda sucked, cuz it was beautiful outside and I wouldn't have minded doing SOMETHING productive, like getting my garden in gear (and getting some colour in doing so), but no way!
I think I have to take the leap - new topic now (I'm all over the place!) - and cancel my online subscription to WW. It's been with me for almost a year, and I love it so much, but since I found out I'm pregnant, honestly I haven't logged on. I don't weigh myself, I'm not keeping track of points, so there's no real reason for me to keep paying for the subscription, right?
I just feel bad. BUT, I know that I'll be joining again after my lil' walnut comes along cuz I wanna look like Shrunkie!!! (You're my inspiration, girl! 2 babies and you look freakin' AWESOME!)
New topic again (I'm all over the place tonite!) - but does anyone ever do a google search on your name? I just did, for the heck of it (I used to write for a national teen magazine, and every now and then I like to see where my stories end up), and I came across an article I did on this now-defunct, once-briefly-

I think those were the only guys I interviewed that really didn't go anywhere, so at least I know they can't blame my story for their demise!
Time to suck on a Mr Freezie Pop and light the candles in my new tealight holders from Ikea (they're spike-type things that sit in my garden - I'll have to take some pics, they're really pretty!).
Have a great night everyone!
Friday, June 1, 2007
Sleepy Friday!
Last night was no exception.
I've just been so nauseated, and I need to sip on my ginger ale, and then I have to get up to pee. It's a vicious, vicious cycle!
The coffee's perkin', rest assured.
So anyhoot, Happy June 1st, everyone!
I've been too tired to post everyday (I'll come home and crash after work), but I wanted to post this earlier - a few days ago, I finally met AMAZINGMIMI from the GDT!
She's a flight attendant for the airline I work for, and on Tuesday, her crew was flying through Winnipeg, as they had so many times in the past (on my days off!), so this time, I was excited to hear I'd be working when she came in! What a sweet girl! So pretty, so much fun - sorry Mim's that I only had a minute to spare! Stupid early arriving flights!
Well, I think me coffee's ready now - hope everyone has a great day! :)
Monday, May 28, 2007
New ticker!
I find the fatigue that's taking over my body is also contributing to my feeling like a big ol' lump. (That, and me sending my hubby out for the odd DQ blizzard.)
Damn the blizzards.
Anyhoot, these days, I'm more comfortable in my big ol' man pants for work as opposed to the new style of the wide band, 3-buttoned, fitted fashion pieces. Now, my comfort resides in a baggy butt area and an overly-spacious crotchal region.
But that's ok - I hear once this first trimester's up, my energy levels will be relatively back to normal, and perhaps, PERHAPS, I can once again resume some sort of exercise routine. In all honesty, I MISS my elliptical, I MISS my treadmill, I miss my videos and my weights.
Less than 3 wks from now, and I should be feeling pretty good.
Just as long as the baby stops attacking me!
I also find that, aside from half a loaf of bread, the baby also loves juicy fruits. I CRAVE juicy things crazy! I sent Dono out to the store to buy me cans and cans of those lil' mandarin oranges, and I'll mix those with canned pineapple. MMM! See, that's healthy, right?
Ok, time to get my body next to a bucket....we're in for another round of When Babies Attack!
Hope everyone has a great day! :)
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Why can't I sleep in on a Sunday morning?!
Blew my mind!
I've been up early every morning this past week, and today, when I can sleep all day, I'm up at 9. Which is sleeping in, I suppose, compared to how the previous week went, but I wouldn't have minded not getting out of bed at all!
Ok, so back to my Calgary excursion = because Dono and I got there a couple of days early, we made the obligatory trip to Ikea.....and discovered that the innocent bargain/fashion Swedish gods may have evil motives in the way they package their products.
Let me explain.
Dono packed his bag full of as much Ikea product as he could, and we learned that Ikea product can very easily get you a cavity search if you're not careful! Observe the following exhibits:
Exhibit A:
These seemingly innocent items are not so innocent when going through central security at the airport! Security personnel were analyzing the screen before them as the bag went through the scanning device, trying to figure out what the heck they were looking at - why there was something in this bag with wires, and round metal objects.
Exhibit B:
Of course, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be candles and light curtains.
Here's definitely one way to hold up a security line at the airport though, eh?!
So the baby decided it was going to choose Sunday morning, the morning we were flying out, to attack me! I was alright the rest of the week (just very, very tired and still nauseous), until yesterday, when the baby attacked AGAIN. !!! I think I know what the problem is - those 2 days, I wasn't eating first thing in the morning. In fact, yesterday, I really wasn't hungry at all, and I was just chugging on my Ginger Ale.
I don't think the baby liked that, and sure let me know!
Afterwards, I downed some boiled egg whites and whole wheat toast (about half a loaf! HA!).
That sure showed my baby!
Ok, I have to get my day going here - it's been cold and rainy since we got back, but today seems to be the first sunny day, and I have garden stuff I need to get done.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
EXTRA long weekend!
Today has been a lovely day - I got out of work early, my hubby and I went for ice cream, we spent the afternoon together watching the Sens game (they won in OT and are moving on!....just fyi, we were Sens fans before it was "cool" to like the Sens! lol), and he let me nap while he did his freelance work at the computer! It was WONDERFUL!
Beautiful weather, a relaxing day - now it's after 8pm, and I'm just getting some stuff done around the house. We're off to Calgary tomorrow to spend the afternoon at Ikea, followed up by a swim in our hotel pool, and then an evening out with his dad at a fancy schmancy restaurant. Monday, we're meeting up with our best friends (and the Season Finale of 24 is Monday night!!!!!), and then I start training on Tuesday, and am in class until Thursday, returning Thursday night.
The way my sked worked out, I'll be off Fri-Mon too, so I'm off for over a week!
Now THAT's a jam-packed week! I've already made out my Ikea shopping list, and I can't wait to get those strings of lights for my patio and garden! It's gonna look so pretty!
I'm looking forward to doing some gardening next Friday, put up my new lights and do some planting - hopefully the weather prevails. And of course, some sun tanning. I needs me some colour, and bad!
Hope everyone has a great week, and I'll post when I return!!!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I'm baaaaack!
Morning everyone!
Well, we had a great time out in Sifton! Got back on Monday (just in time for 24!), and I apologize for not having posted since - I've been working and sleeping. The usual. So Dono's mom was completely floored with the news, and good times were had by all! I'll post a pic of the card Dono made for her that was dealt to her for our game of War. What a great reaction she had, I'll never forget it! So, since I love taking pics, especially of old buildings and religious pieces, and Sifton's full of it all, I decided to post a bit of a photo montage of our trip!
The above is a shot of Dono walkin' the line!
I just love this picture - what a beautiful evening it was for a walk in such an amazing setting!
I sooo wanted to go inside one of these old buildings, but the baby didn't want me to! lol
What a great vintage 7-Up sign!
I think this is where Donovan got the woodtick!
A close-up shot of one of the boarded-up churches in the town.
And driving home, the next day, after stopping off for more bottles of water to help make the 4-hr trek a bit more bearable! Isn't my hubby a cutie?! (proud wife!)
And there you have it! As you can see, I'm pretty happy to have solved the problem of my camera and the computer hook-up, so I'm taking full advantage of it!
I'm off work today, and since I'm feeling ok, I'm going to get outside and do a bit of gardening. Or weed-pulling. Or whatever you wanna call it - I would love to plant this week, but we're off to Calgary on Sunday (I have training with work, and Dono's just taking the time off to come and have a visit out there with our friends and some family). That's one of the perks he gets being married to me - he flies for less than $20, so why not take advantage, eh?
Hope y'all have a great day!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
7 weeks today!
Today marks the official beginning of week 7 of bun-bakin' in my oven! WOOHOO!
Well, I went home sick yesterday after an hour at work, and ended up calling in today - I've just been feeling soooo nauseous and it's been making me lose sleep at night. This baby better not grow up to be a rebel teen, after what I'm going through for it so far! lol
Today, after our flyer delivery at 5'ish, we're heading out to Dauphin (about 4 hrs NW of Winnipeg) to visit Dono's mother and tell her the news! Every time we go there, all of us sit down and play cards. That's our thing - we LOVE getting together and playing cards! So Dono bought a deck yesterday, and turned one of them into the announcement card -- it reads "You're going to be a Baba!" So during the game, Dono's going to deal that card to his mom, and we'll just sit back and wait for her to notice it in her hand!
Thing is, we probably won't get in until around 10 or so tonite, and I wanna spill the beans IMMEDIATELY instead of having to wait until tomorrow! We'll see what happens!
Anyhoot, this morning I had a wicked craving, so I sent Dono to Shoppers to buy me some good rye bread and nutella! Nothing beats rye toast with chocolate hazelnutty goodness melted all over it!
I really need to stop! HAHA!
It's nap time, so I'm gonna go lie on our swing outside (it's one of those 3-seater, cushion-y canopy'd swings) and just fall asleep! It's beautiful out there!
Have a great day everyone, and a wonderful weekend! I won't be back until Tuesday morning, so chug-a-lug that water and get in those APs, folks!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Hooray! - kinda

Back from Hiatus!
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days - man, I've just been feeling so run down and nauseous.....nauseated? Which is the right term? Well, sick to my stomach, anyway. I have some energy this morning to do a bit o' posting, so that's exactly what I'm gonna do!
Let me start off by backing up the pickle truck a bit, a rewind to Sunday night, when Dono and I told my family the news. I wish I had taken a pic, but it was just so crazy, I wouldn't have had a chance!
The dinner I made was AMAZING, turned out beautifully! (I LOVE cooking for people, I always tend to go overboard, but nobody seems to mind!) The plan was, after dessert, we'd all be sitting around outside, sipping coffee or whatever, and I'd sneak Lexi upstairs, put her new shirt on, and casually take her outside and wait for everyone to notice.
That's not quite how it happened!
After supper, everyone was too stuffed for dessert, and since Lexi was really tired and cranky, they were talking about just packin' up and heading home. Everyone was congregated in the living room, so I couldn't be discreet about swoopin her upstairs! I just said, "I have a new toy to show Lexi". They must've thought I was nuts! So as I'm trying to change her shirt, she's really cranky and tired and screaming and crying! LOL! I tried to sing to her, talk to her, anything to calm her down, but to no avail. My sister was about to head up and I said "It's ok, she's good, we're coming down now" I took her downstairs and put her down on the floor in the living room, where my sister noticed she was wearing a new shirt.
She leaned down and started reading it out loud..."I'm getting.....a cou.....cousin?.....for.....CHRISTMAS?!"
She looked up at me and just started BAWLING, and then my mom started BAWLING, and EVERYONE started BAWLING! They all just hugged me and Donovan, and cheered and laughed - it was a moment I'll never forget!
So this weekend, we're heading up to Dauphin to tell Donovan's mom the news! Once that's done, we'll tell our co-workers and just let the cat outta the bag!
Since Sunday, we've been trying to go out for walks every night. Dono got a bunch of books from the library for me (what a sweetie!) on eating right during pregnancy, ways to stay fit, exercises, etc etc etc. He knows how apprehensive I've been about the weight gain aspect of it (with my crazy history of eating disorders and pill addictions), but I know it's a natural way of life, and a beautiful thing to be able to nourish and be in control of my baby's growth and development - I know that my lil' walnut is depending on ME to make it healthy, and I'm going to do everything I can for him/her!
I'm even learning to succumb to my cravings - last night, I HAD to have a McD's cheeseburger and small fries! I HATE McD's, hadn't been there in YEARS, but we went, and I devoured it completely, and even chased it down with a McFlurry! HAHA!
Man, my lil' walnut's gonna be a butterball if its mommy keeps this up! lol
I have to admit, sleepiness and sickness aside, it's kinda fun being pregnant so far! I have these off-the-wall cravings that I don't always give in to, and if I do, I don't feel bad about it - it's all a part of the journey! And I don't always eat like that - I do stick to a healthy diet, but the occasional falter isn't a huge concern. And my hubby fawns all over me! Not to say that he never did before, but now, he's way more attentive ("I'll jump in the car, drive half way across town to the BDI, and get you a monkey tail!", or "Can I bring you a straw for your Gingerale, sweetie?"), he's prone to doing a bit more around the house now while he enforces my nap time, and he's always kissing and caressing my tummy and talking quietly to our little peanut! Soooo sexy!
I'm so looking forward to the next 7 months, and the rest of my life afterwards!
So that's my lil' update!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
In the words of the great Rod Stewart...
Yep, we're finally going to tell my family tonight! And I can NOT wait!!!! I've let it sneak out to a couple of friends who have been sworn to secrecy, but I couldn't hold it in any longer!
Anyhoot, yesterday Dono picked up some iron-on transfers, and I designed the look for Lexi's shirt that we're going to put on her after dinner for my family to see! Here's what it looks like:

I can't wait for her to wear it!!! I'M SO EXCITED!
So I'm making that chicken dish I was supposed to make for them the LAST time the fam was coming over (before Dono shorted out the power to our house with his Bob Vila-ways); it's a spinach and ricotta stuffed pesto chicken breast with garlic (LOTS of garlic!), garlic mashed potatoes, homemade whole grain buns, side salad, and if I'm ambitious enough, something for dessert.....maybe just jello with strawberries in it, and cool whip on top.
That's probably a 15-pt meal right there, but my little walnut loves garlic mashed potatoes! lol
Last night we went to a social with my sis and brother, and Dono kept plying me with water when I denied others who offered me REAL drinks. I just told them that I had my period (NOBODY questions that!), and that I was hopped up on the Advil's. I hope that worked!
OOOOH, I should mention...
Mandy, you'd appreciate this - it's almost like a tribute to the awesomeness that is you and your recipes! - last night for supper, I did a twist on the Mexican Pizza!
I used the flatbread for the crust, and instead of pasta sauce, I used a can of refried beans and salsa! And instead of the gr beef, I used extra lean gr turkey, cooked it up with a package of Old El Paso taco seasoning, added some red pepper all that, with the cheese, the black beans, the green onions, some cilantro - my GOD, it was soooo delicious!!! I didn't take any piccies b/c, well, my camera-computer hook-up is stupid!
Anyhoot, I should get my day going here - hope everyone has a good one!!! I can't wait to tell you all how my family reacts to the news!!!!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Thank god it's Saturday!
I can NOT get over how tired I've been lately! And hungry! I can't do anything to satisfy my hunger - or my thirst - yesterday, after work, I was SO ravenous (even though I ate my usual lunch at work at the usual time, and have always been good with that) - in the pelting rain, I stopped off at Subway, ordered a footlong turkey with extra bacon to go, and demolished it completely before I even got home (I live 5 minutes away from the Subway!). I just opened up my throat, and down the hatch it went!
I don't even LIKE bacon! LOL!
Then when I got home, I napped.....from around 2 until hubby got home at 5:30. He woke me up with supper, rubbed my feet, and I fell asleep AGAIN until about 9:30, and then went straight to bed! Craziness!
I was up twice during the night cuz I had to pee, too. Oh man, and this is only the BEGINNING!!! lol
Anyhoot, I thought I would try to stay dedicated to my food forecasts - I don't want to be one of those moms-to-be who feels it's ok to devour the entire cookie aisle at Superstore just b/c she's pregnant! I want to hold myself accountable, and make sure I'm eating all the good stuff I'm supposed to!
And any moms out there, pls review my menu and offer me advice and tips - if I'm eating something I'm not supposed to, if I need to up in intake of one food group over another....I have tons of books and mags, but I haven't read them all yet!, so I'm still learning!
Ok, so here it goes:
1/4 cup steel cut oats - 2
1 banana - 1.5
cinnamon - 0
1 cup coffee - 1 (I hear 1-3 cups of coffee is ok, and I don't drink it everyday....???)
= 4.5
1 All Bran bar - 2
1 granny smith apple - 1
salad - 0
= 3
2 cups Gardennay mediterranean tomato soup - 2
2 slices WW whole wheat toast - 1
1/2 tbsp peanut butter - 1
1 banana - 1.5
= 5.5
I don't know...I'll probably be too busy napping to get a snack in!
I really wanna make some of that Mexican pizza again....which reminds me, I should pull some stuff outta the freezer for that! Can't remember how many pts for 2 slices - 7, I think? Sure, let's go with that!
salad - 0
= 7
Off to get my day going here! I have to leave for work in just over an hour, and I still have to make brekkie and blow dry my hair .... oh, and give myself plenty of time to play with my new Sephora stuff! lol
Have a great day everyone!
Friday, May 4, 2007
Sleepy Friday morning
The good news is, I'm only working until 1 again today, so I'll be home before I know it, back in bed!
Got some APs last night - did my physio-prescribed strength training and hubby and I went for a 30 min brisk walk. It was so refreshing!
I'm not sure if I should bother posting my daily food forecast, I mean, unless I make something killer (like those dishes I made a while back whose pictures are still stuck on my camera!), so perhaps I'll just forego it?
Did I spell "forego" correctly?
I guess the "getting the nest ready" instinct is kicking in early - I cleaned the house like an SOB yesterday! On my hands and knees washing baseboards, washing walls, vacuuming out kitchen cupboards - I was outta control!
And I didn't nearly get done what I set out to do. Y'know how little projects sometimes pop up along the way, and you get sidetracked? Well, that's the story of my life - it's one big sidetrack! lol Well, it sure does look perty, our hardwoods are just shining like nobody's bidness!
Time to get brekkie rollin' here....good thing I love them thar steel cut oats - apparently they're good for my lil' walnut! lol
Have a great day everyone!!! :)
Thursday, May 3, 2007
What a whirlwind of a time we've been having! It's only been a couple of days since we found out the g'news, but it's killing us to not be saying anything to anyone!
So last night, we cracked - we went to see the premiere of Spider-Man 3, thanks to our good friend (who just happens to be a dj at a popular station here in the Peg - love the freebies!), and after the film, we all went out to the parking lot - and Dono and I just let it spill!!!! We told our friend before even telling either set of parents! HAHA! It was super emotional, we laughed, we cried, he hugged the crap outta us - I know this is only a taste of what's to come, and I canNOT wait to just scream it from the rooftops!
Only the dr says it's not safe to climb up on the roof.
Whew! Well, we're going to tell my family this weekend - Sunday, my mom, dad, sis, bro and niece are all coming over for supper .... I've instructed Dono to NOT touch any electrical outlets this time - I refuse to have a repeat incident (click here to read about the last time I tried to have my family over for supper!) occur.
Anyhoot, so this is the plan - we're going to make a t-shirt for my 2yr old niece - it'll read, "I'm going to be a big cousin" or something like that....after dinner, I'll scoop up Lexi, take her upstairs, put the shirt on her, and bring her back to everyone and just wait and see what happens!
Ooooh, should be fun!
I've been SOOO tired lately, needing naps like crazy (is that a pregnancy thing, or still surgery toxins?). But luckily this morning, I woke up feeling pretty good! I actually cranked up my iPod speaker dock and was dancing around the living room to Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch! I have lots of housework to tackle before the weekend comes, and I wanna get it done while the energy's high!
Thank you all for your words of support and congrats! This is such a huge, incredible deal, hubby and I are still in shock, and CRAZY excited!
So about this blog and WW.....I guess I don't "do" it anymore? I don't know... I heard that I just need to consume an extra 300 cal per day (one glass of milk, someone said?), so should I still follow my pts and throw on a glass of milk too?
Well, I'm off to do my if I'm not already in a good enough mood, I have a Sehpora order being delivered today!!! I'm such a Sephora addict, it's really a disease!
Have a great day everyone!!! :)
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
OH. MY. GOD. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
but I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm at 5 1/2 wks already (apparently my little baby is the size of a WALNUT! I'M HAVING A WALNUT!! HAHAHA!), and we're due on Dec 29th (but if I keep my knees locked for a few more days, we can make the paper for having the first baby of 2008!)
I can't BELIEVE it!!! I'M ON CLOUD 99! (cloud 9 just isn't high enough!)
I realized yesterday, on my day off, that I was at Day 38 and still no period, so for the hell of it, I went to Shoppers and picked up a pkg of ClearBlue sticks - took the first one, positive!
Sat in disbelief, called the dr's office and made the app't for today.
Took the other test, and positive again!
I HAD to tell Dono yesterday, there was no waiting for me! Funny thing was, he phoned me up and asked if he could take me out to dinner, to the restaurant where we first hooked up. WEIRD?!?!?!! We hadn't been there in YEARS, so it was just perfect that that's where it happened!
I arrived at the restaurant with a gift bag, a card, and the test wrapped in tissue paper, and told him I had some bad news for him. He was skeptical as he opened the card and began to read, thinking I set fire to all his Ottawa Senators-branded clothes....and then after seeing the test (he thought it was a thermometer!), he just looked at me, with the world's biggest smile and tears welling up in his eyes, and we just jumped up and hugged and cried! It was AWESOME!!!
(I told him the "bad news" was that he couldn't wrestle with me anymore, like we always do/did!)
Oh man, I'm just soaring right now!!!!
Me and my little walnut have to leave to pick up Daddy from work now! HAHAHA, that sounds so crazy!!!!
I'm gonna go have a beer to celebrate! lol
Maybe yesterday's post, about me getting 6APs a day, can just be forgotten - I'll get what I get, and that'll have to be good enough!!!!!!
Hope everyone's feeling my hyper-happy vibes and has a great day off of 'em! I know there's enough of 'em to go around the world ten times over!
I have to get ready for work, so I don't have time for the whole story, but I just had to post this quickly:
I'll post again later! (how's THAT for a teaser!) lol
Monday, April 30, 2007
Hold me accountable!

For the love of all that resembles good, kick me in the arse if I don't post my daily victories!
Now that I've gotten that promise posted and outta the way, I'm going to go lay on the couch and play some Tetris. Surely I can rack up some APs that way! lol
Hooray for slime in a shell!!!
Well, I suppose it starts with the scale, which showed a 1.5LB LOSS for today's WI!!!!
The snail just adds the visual dimension to the happiness and joy I'm feeling! WOOHOOOOOEEEY!!!
It's all about the Chocobran Plan, folks! Just droppin' a dozen of those puppies down the hatch a day has made a world of difference!
Today it's gloriously gloomy outside - I truly appreciate a rainy day when I have the day off, because I can snuggle up in bed with The American President on in the background and the windows open juuuust enough so that rain drops don't stain my window sill, but I can still hear them hitting the neighbour's house and I can still smell the rainy air.
Plus that means I can't do any work outside on the yard or whatever, so bonus for me!
Yesterday at my parent's place was super fun! Lexi took Auntie for a walk, and made sure to point out "Attie's dooty cah" (Auntie's dirty car) to the family and random passer-by'ers on the sidewalk. Cute. lol Her vocabulary is excruciatingly vast (she's growing up too quickly!), and her curiousity is addictive. Ahh, I miss her already!
My sis wants me to come over and play again today, but I think I just need to tend to my exercises that I've neglected over the past few days - get 'em outta the way so I can focus on my 24 tonite.
Oooooh, Jack Bauer's sooooo brave!!!!
Ok, so here's today's food forecast:
coffee w/ff creamer (my new friend!) - 1
1/4 cup steel cut oats - 2
1 banana - 1.5
cinnamon - 0
= 4.5
1 Granny Smith apple w/2 tbsp light cool whip (I'll eat anything with Cool Whip!) - 1
= 1
1 cup Gardennay broccoli soup - 1
crackers w/hummus - 5
= 6
1 cup strawberries w/2 tbsp light Cool Whip (there it is again!) = 0
= 0
2 slices All You Need is Loaf - 8
salad - 0
= 8
19.5/21 not including whatever I decide to snack on while glued to the tube tonite, watching another hour of Jack's intense and crazy life unfold before my eyes!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Damn you, Facebook!
That's right, Facebook (or Crackbook, as my friends call it) has been consuming most of my computer time. Dammit! And adding insult to injury, my digital camera, although I have LOTS of pictures to download from it, for some reason won't allow me to upload my visual goodies to my computer! WHY??!?!?
So all the great piccies I have to share, of the yummy meals I've made and of my adorable niece, are stuck in the bowels of my camera, thus uninspiring me to share my stories on my blog with my famous visually-aided documentaries!
So that's that!
So, here I am, tail between my legs, without pictures to share - but I won't let that stop me anymore! (Plus I have nothing new to report on Crackbook...otherwise I'd be on that instead of this!) HA!
Anyhoot - I have to say, the Rod Stewart show was, to say the least, pretty darn fun! He's one cheesy mofo, and in my opinion, should've been onstage at the Club Regent Casino with his tacky clothes and seizure-like dance moves. But the man can belt out a tune like nobody's bidness!
5th row on the floor was pretty cool, he was THIIIIIIIIIS close to us! My friend is a self-described cougar, and was just lapping up everything ol' Roddy was throwing at us, but inside, I was just thinking, "Oh god, I wish Donovan was here so he could be making fun of this with me!" HAHA! Nah, it was a good show, and we had lots of fun!
I've been trying to stick to my physio-prescribed strength training exercises and stretching routines everyday, but I'm now up to 5hrs a day at work, and I tells ya, my body's feeling it. When I come home from work, I needs me a nap BIG TIME, and I'll fall asleep when Rachel Ray comes on, and won't wake up til Dono comes home from work at around 6 or so.
So, I'm still feeling the effects of the toxins in my system (damn you, surgery!), and I feel guilty about sleeping all the time, and in turn, I end up neglecting my exercising and stretches for the most part. But if I do feel the energy to do it, it's not until around 9 or 10pm, and then I get to bed late, only to wake up early for work the next morning. It's a vicious, vicious cycle!
On the upside, I'M OFF TODAY, and it's gloriously beautiful out there! Yesterday Dono and I did some obligatory spring cleaning - he washed the windows while I got our gardens ready for eventual planting. It was quite the workout in the hot sun, but I feel better now that everything's clean and ready and waiting!
Today, we're going to get our APs in with our flyer delivery, and then hit up ye ol' Superstore for some groceries - we're heading over to my parent's tonite for supper (bbq'd chicken!) and I'm bringing the fresh fruit salsa and dessert, so I need some groceries to get my shyte together!
Here's today's food forecast:
1/4 cup steel cut oats - 2
1 banana - 1.5
cinnamon - 0
coffee w/ff creamer - 1
= 4.5
1 serving Buoy Meets Grill - 5
salad - 0
= 5
1 cup strawberries - 0
2 tbsp light Cool Whip - 0
1 grapefruit - 1
= 1
bbq chicken w/fresh fruit salsa - 4
salad - 0
1 slice Angel Food cake w/cool whip 'n strawberries - 2
= 6
Since I have a few extra pts to play with, I may pop some chocobrans down my throat at some point during the day!
Off to do flyers - hope everyone has a great day!!!!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Monday, April 23, 2007
Who knew there could be so many uses for an air hockey table?
Back on track Monday!

What a weekend! Saturday night, Dono and I went out to his cousin's Ukrainian dance troupe's fundraising zabava (big Ukrainian party) for a gourmet Ukie meal, to watch some incredible dancers, partake in a silent auction (that I, yet again, failed to win anything at!), and a social complete with kolomaka (20-min long Ukie polka-type dance where random ppl get up and join in the circle and do their best to get in on the traditional dancing action).
I wasn't wearing my dancing shoes, so I didn't show off my "skills" (note: I hadn't Ukrainian danced since I was 6!), but I did indulge in the faboo meal. NSV - I didn't finish everything on my plate, no matter how yummy it was! I was just sooo stuffed, and traditionally, my Baba would be insulted if I didn't clean my plate, so I was used to finishing off the heaping piles of perogies and cabbage rolls, but I just couldn't - and so I didn't!
Plus that, I didn't have any dessert, either!
(mind you, the pts I saved from not finishing my meal or eating dessert, I probably clobbered in the vodka....oh well!)
Yesterday, as beautiful as it was outside, I couldn't go out and p

We had to run out to Future Shop to pick up some new DVD-burning software, and my hubby bought me Notting Hill (one of my fav's!) b/c he felt so sorry for me that I was stressing out 'n stuff.

On the way back home from delivering the vid to my friend, hubby wanted to stop in at the BDI (Bridge Drive-In) for ice cream, so I treated him (and myself) - ANOTHER NSV....instead of t

Today's WI reflected my vodka and chocolate covered weekend - I still lost (how??!) but not as much as I would have liked. I'm down 0.5lb!
GO SNAIL, GO!!! lol
Today's my Sunday, as I'm back at work tomorrow, so even with my cramps that just came on an hour ago, I'm planning on whipping this ol' house into shape. Did a couple loads of laundry so far (are dryers supposed to be smoking and smell like burning? Uh-oh...!), did the dishes, and now I'm going to wash the kitchen floor, do some vacuuming, and other domesticated-wife stuff!
Here's today's food forecast:
1/4 cup steel cut oats - 2
cinnamon - 0
1 banana - 1.5
coffee w/ff creamer - 1
= 4.5
1 mango - 2
= 2
2 cups Gardennay soup - 2
salad w/a hint of feta cheese - 1
2 slices WW toast - 1
1/2 tbsp peanut butter - 1
= 5
1 grapefruit - 1
= 1
1 serving ESBM's Just Stew It (yummy-sounding stew with Bisquick dumplings floating in it) - 7
salad - 0
= 7
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Early Saturday morning...
4 APs!!! HOORAY!
2 for 40 min strength training
1 for 20 min treadmill
1 for 20 min elliptical
(it was 11:30pm by the time I finished, I probably could have gone longer if I didn't have to wake up at 5:45am today!)
Tonite, Dono and I are going to a big ol' Ukrainian feast thingo - his cousin's a dancer, and their troupe is holding a party - meal, watch the dance, and then a social after. My sis is coming along, I like getting her outta the house, and my brother's joining up with us for the social part. Should be good times - I think I'll only have about 6pts for the dinner, though - Dono's gonna have to eat what my pts don't allow! (he won't mind!)
Today's food forecast:
1/4 cup steel cut oats - 2
cinnamon - 0
1 banana - 1.5
coffee w/ff creamer - 1
= 4.5
not sure what else is going on here, but I'll figure it out and post again later! I have to get me arse to work now! Cripes!
ps. I just joined this Facebook thing last night - still trying to figure it out.... anyone else on it? So much for MySpace, I guess!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Can't go out an' play :(

I wish I could go out and play!
I'm almost done, I think - just one more song to cut footage to, and I should be good to go.
God, this footage I'm working with is sooo crappy!!! Don't get me wrong, the bride and groom are BEAUTIFUL, and everything looks great - but the way this blowhole captured it all on video....GRRRRRRR!
Ok, back att'er again!
Finally Friday!
Turns out my sister's "husband" is outta town for a bit, and because of all the weapons in his home, and the fact that my sis got the protective order 'n stuff, the cops obtained a warrant and wanted to seize the crap in his house, and called her up to meet them there yesterday afternoon.
She phoned me when she was 7 min away, and I said "I'M COMING TOO!". I heard he did a lot of damage to the interior of the house, and I may never get another chance to see it.
By the time I pulled up to the house, my sis came up to my car and told me the cops just called in for the bomb squad - turns out they found a suspicious package w/duct tape all around it. So, we waited another 2 hrs for the bomb squad to show (you sure do learn how nosey your neighbours can get - when that big truck pulled up, I think every one of them wanted to go and "get their mail" or "do yardwork".!!!).
Long story short, it wasn't a bomb (although he did tell my sis he would burn the house to the ground if he ever lost it to her). They weren't taking any chances.
So we went inside, where my sis wanted to collect more things for her daughter, and get the rest of her clothes, etc. My god, it was a DISASTER. He wrote babble all over the walls, doors, and mirrors, furniture and walls were slashed and destroyed, garbage was a mess. By the time we finished loading up our cars and busting outta there, I was SO wiped, and happy to get home.
Needless to say, I needed today to just regroup and relax, but I don't know how much I can get, since he's arriving back into the city today, and since he was served with the order, he might just be so pissed off that who knows what he'll do? I'm just kinda on standby right now. *sigh*
ANYHOOT, back to basics!, today's food forecast is:
1/4 cup steel cut oats - 2
cinnamon - 0
1 banana - 1.5
= 3.5
1 cup strawberries w/2 tbsp ff cool whip- 0
1 All Bran bar - 2
= 2
2/3 cup couscous w/mango chutney (leftovers) - 3
salad w/feta cheese - 2
= 5
1 mango - 2
1 pkg Crispy Minis - 2
= 4
14.5/21 - leaves me 6'ish pts for supper - something chicken, perhaps. I'm thinking I'll finally make that Sticky Chicky! Sounds soooo good!
Hope y'all have a great day!