Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Don't anger the pregnant lady!

I tried to post this yesterday, as the emotion was very raw and the pissed-off factor was at an all time high!, but to add insult to injury, I couldn't access my blog to post anything!


I'm ok now!

We woke up early b/c we were having some guy come down and look at our kitchen - we're getting it renovated (I'm tired of having to fight with the drawers to get them open just for a fork!...mind you, that would be a great weight loss tool, if I can't access my cutlery..!) LOL

Anyhoot, Kitchen Buddy was coming at 7:30am. Our alarm was set for 6:30am. The alarm goes off, Dono says, "Kitty (that's his nickname for me!), you rest for 15 more min. I'll go make you breakfast (is it any wonder why I married this man?!)."

He comes back 3 minutes later.

"You need to get up, Cat, wake up."

Me, thinking that Kitchen Buddy has arrived super early, rolls outta bed and prepares to beautify myself as best I can with the limited amount of time I'm given.

Only Kitchen Buddy isn't there yet.

Turns out Dono discovered our garage got broken into during the night.


This has been the SECOND break-in for us, the first being our house almost 3 yrs ago when we first moved in.

They didn't take my car, they didn't vandalize or break anything, so I guess we're pretty lucky.


The souped-up, pimped-out bike that HE picked out, that I haven't even finished paying for, the bike he's only had a chance to ride ONCE.

OOOOOOOOHHHHH! Just let me get my hands on those suckers! I don't care how big they are, but I'm fighting for 2 now! I've got the power of a grown woman and a little baby! Just LET THEM TRY to escape the horror I've got planned for them!

(The hormones and emotions in pregnancy are a wild and wonderful thing!)

So in addition to HIS bike, they took mine, Dono's mitre saw (I don't even know what that is, but I know he was pretty upset about it), and his huge bag of hockey equipment. Oh, and my roller blades, a weedwacker, and some other things.

They busted their way through the side door, but not before tampering with our motion light and disabling it. THEN, they climbed over the NEW FENCE we just had put in - the 6ft high fence (we could tell that's where they left from, b/c it had been raining that night, and there are mud skid marks going up a couple of the panels).

So just after we start taking inventory, Kitchen Buddy shows up, and we have to be all friendly and focused with him!

And THEN, an hour later, I'm boarding a flight to Calgary for a meeting!

I'm tired, angry, feeling violated - and I have to be on my game. My blood pressure was through the roof, my poor baby must've thought I was nuts!

Anyhoo, that's been my day. I got back home last night just before 10pm, and today I'm so wiped. It's thundering outside, but I need to keep on looking out the window just to make sure it's not some more punks trying to break into something else.

I love when paranoia sets in.


Dennis & Jodi said...

oh Cat! That totally sucks! did you call the police? I feel for you!
I hope you are able to feel less violated and maybe relax a bit today.

Jaime said...

Dude! Lemme at em! I'll kick some ass for you and baby!

Do you have insurance?

cat's dish said...

Ugh, what a headache - I literally have the mother of all headaches today because of yesterday's stress, I'm sure!

Yeah, we called the police and the insurance company - the police won't be coming by for a report for a couple of days, but the insurance dude came out yesterday and replaced the lock on our door. Looks like he's gonna push for us to get a brand new door too, one that isn't a piece of crap!

Shrunk said...

Ohhh NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo! That sucks SO bad!

Mandy said...

oh babe that's awful!!!!! What area do you live in???

Amy said...

What a nightmare! Hope this gets cleared up soon, and those little punks get what's coming to them!

cat's dish said...

Turns out things are gonna be ok! We just did up a list of missing items and went "shopping" - turns out they took almost $2000 worth of stuff, and we only pay a $500 deductible! Mind you, it's $500 we weren't planning on spending right now, but new stuff ain't so bad!

Mandy - I live on the now-famed Magnus Ave! (The relatively GOOD part of it - nowhere near where all the shootings were!)

Like THAT'S supposed to make me feel safer! lol