Wednesday, March 5, 2008

View from my treadmill

It works!!!

For today, anyways!

I put my li'l girl in her new cradle swing, downstairs by my treadmill, to see if she can sleep soundly for a long time to allow me to get some exercise and earn some APs.... AND IT WORKED!

Here's the view from my treadmill:
30 minutes walking at a good clip, and she's STILL sleeping! I can even get in some weights and stretching in, too!


Hopefully this becomes a trend, so that I can keep up my activity levels! Now I know this is do-able!

I forgot how much I enjoy sweating (and not just from being a busy mom) - I'm looking forward to getting back on track! This is super exciting for me!!!


Cat said...

I'm a shopping channel addict too! I've been shopping there for years! Mostly make-up and beauty products, but I also bought some earings and bedding from there a while ago!

I've read your blog from time to time too, and yesterday I stumbled across the photo's of your gorgeous baby girl! She truly is lovely....You are very lucky!

cat's dish said...

awww, thanks girl!

Hey, I've been checking out the jewels from the shopping channel - are they really worth it? I've always been afraid to buy anthing like that, for fear they might look like rejects from the Zsa Zsa Gabor collection! ;)