Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Well, I had it comin'...

2 weeks of not really keeping track of what I'm putting in my mouth, 2 baby showers, and tremedous lack of sleep = 5lb weight gain.

Yup, I'm up a whoppin' 5lbs.

But now with the baby shower outta the way (I've loaded Donovan's briefcase up with leftover dainties 'n stuff to get them out of the house!), and now with Madds getting into some semblance of a routine.... 'ish.....I should be able to focus better.

I'm going to start posting everything I eat again, like I used to before, so hopefully this helps me out a bit!

3 egg whites
1 cup yogurt
1 All Bran bar

= 5

handfuls of raw veggies
assortment of fruit (say, fruit salad?) for maybe 1.5pts?
PC Mushroom Barley soup
8 melba toasts

= 6

I'll add to it as I go to keep mein arse on track here. How many APs can I get for the after-party clean-up?!?!?


Dennis & Jodi said...

dont fret about 5 lbs. I really lost alot of weight after my kids were toddlers! once they start moving ... you never stop! lol
keep doing what you did today and all will be well!

cat's dish said...

Aww, thanks for the support Jodi! You're my WonderBra! HA!