Tuesday, April 8, 2008


The scale moves in my favour!

It's only down 1 lb, but it's down nonetheless! WOOHOO!

Hopefully it's the beginning of a trend.....

Feelin' pretty good today, my baby slept through the night! So I'm kinda rested today - it's 1:30pm, and I've already got my 4 APs in! I may do more, depends on how the day plays out. Got some cleaning to do, some banana bread to bake - HEY, can anyone tell me how the oil/applesauce swap works? Is it a one to one ratio? Or do I still need some oil?

Well, I'm off to get the rest of my day going! Baby's napping in her cradle swing (a MUST HAVE for any new parent!), we'll see how much I can tackle today!

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