Thursday, April 3, 2008

Yo-yo's are supposed to be FUN!

Well, not when it comes to the scale, that's for sure!

I thought it'd be super easy, that I'd just watch the pounds melt away after Maddy was born - NOT SO! I thought breastfeeding was supposed to help deplete the massive amount of extra weight I put on. AS IF!

Of course she's totally worth it, I just didn't think I'd have this much of a struggle!

The good news is, I have a fabulously supportive husband who's helped to set up our home gym so that I have easy access to all my equipment without having to struggle to take it out or put it away when I'm finished - now, it's all right there, right in front for me to they're intended, not just as clothes hangers anymore!! HA!

And now that Maddy almost kinda has a routine, I can almost count on being active everyday while she naps. It's just been lately, she's too much of a snugglebug and I can't seem to put her down for her regular naps, and our schedules get thrown for a loop and I'm super tired! She's just hitting another growth spurt, I know this too shall fact, now that she's in her cradle swing (Mommy's TRYING to get her to have her afternoon nap), I should really be taking advantage of this time...ok, here I go!


But before I sign off for today (again, sorry for the hiatus), Madds and I had such fun this morning, I had to pull the camera out - seriously, how cute is my little girl?!!! 12 weeks old already.... such a little lady...

1 comment:

Cat said...

omg, I love her. She's the cutest little girl ever.