Saturday, May 1, 2010


Has it really been 2 YEARS?

Time flies when you have a baby....who knew they grew up so fast? One minute you're ready to pop at 42 wks of pregnancy + 100 extra pounds, next thing y'know, 2 yr
s has gone by in the sheer blink of an eye, and you're chasin' after a naked toddler who is giggling as she runs away from you when it's time for a splish splash. !!!

Lovin' every minute of it!

I don't suppose anyone is still, or will ever again, stumble across my little piece of cyber space, and I'm ok with that - this is a way for me to hold myself accountable in my relentless struggle to lose weight and get happy with myself again.

I went back to work, full time, last year - April 13/09, at an astounding 213lbs (after having lost a bit of weight in the last few months of my mat leave). I remember having to go in a week or 2 early to find new uniform pieces, as my sz
4-6 pants could barely cover one thigh, let alone my whole arse.

My "boss" helped me dig through piles of uni pieces, and I recall her pulling out a sz 20 pair of pants. "Oh you don't need a pair THAT big," she said as she tossed them aside. I secretly took note of where they landed, and after she left the room, having helped me find the sz 12 I said I was looking for, I snatched up the sz 20 pants and sheepishly went into the back office to try them on.

To my horror, they fit.


Well that was just over a year ago, and hard work and perseverance paid off - I went down to 167, and a roomy sz 10 pant. But since August, I'd been hovering at the 170 mark. Couldn't bust too far away from that, and it was driving me nuts.

At the beginning of last month, I thought I'd figure out a way to change it up - the woman at GNC suggested a 30-day cleanse, said it would DEFINITELY he
lp me break through the plateau. I got suckered into it and she made the easy sale.

But 30 days later, my weight didn't go down. It certainly didn't stay the same, either.

It had gone UP.

I started feeling helpless and frantic - why now was everything spinning out of control? Why am I GAINING weight?

The scale could not give me a consistent number more than twice in a row if I continued to step on it in succession.

Frustration set in.

I realize now that I can't do this on my own anymore. I need help.

So tomorrow, I'm meeting with 2 fitness gurus from

I will record my body comp as they lay it out to me.

Nervous, yes. Excited, yes. Skeptical....yes.

We shall see how this goes....ideally, I would like to aim for a photography shoot, to celebrate my hard work and show off my new body. But I have to commit like I've never committed before. This isn't just about sculpting a new body, there's also money involved here.

Lots of it.

I can't let my bank account down!

Wish me luck!

Before I sign out for the night, here is a pic of me and my girl in LA back in February. I can't believe she's already 28 months old now!

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