Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Good Tuesday Evening!

Hello my cyber friends!

I have some good news!!! I visited with my sis yesterday, and mentioned to her that I need to pick up a new bra, because my girls are just outta control! She said I could have her old maternity bras (only from a couple of years ago, and I'll do anything to save a buck!) - so I took them....and I went from my familiar A cup to almost a freakin' DOUBLE D!!!!


Needless to say, Dono is QUITE pleased with my new...uhhh...assets!....but I've had to tell him at LEAST once a day, "THESE ARE NOT A TOY!" lol They're not AS sore as they used to be, but they're still not NOT sore....never in my life had I ever dreamed I'd have porn boobs! HAHAHA! And now I totally do! Move over, Pamela Anderson!!

Hubby and I went out shopping this evening, and instead of wearing an extra baggy shirt (my ponch is getting quite, uh, ponchy...?!!), I opted instead for a top from the selection of mat clothes my sis gave me the other day. And I felt GREAT in it! I used to be so self-conscious about sucking in my gut, when I had the cyst, I was always nervous about my belly. And even though I'm still in the "I feel fat, not pregnant" stages, I just didn't care! I let it hang out, and I felt good about my lil' belly!

After all, I AM harvesting fruit in there (as my last post stated, baby's the size of a plum or a small apple now!!!!!)

Anyhoot, looks like we're in for another supposed thunderstorm tonite. We had to put the air on yesterday for the first time this year, it's just been soooo muggy, and we slept with it on last night. Tonite, though, I think there's a nice breeze, so we're gonna crank them windows!

Ok, I'm off to bed! Hope everyone has a great night/day!


Shrunk said...

Good for you showin' off that beautiful little poochy baby belly. You just wait girl, soon there will be no chance of hiding it. I think a pregnant belly is one of the most beautiful things in the world. ENJOY IT :O)

Jaime said...

Shrunk said it!

Make sure you are getting Dono to take progress pics.....so we can all see the little apple turn into a canteloupe!

cat's dish said...

Thanks Shaunna! It's still hard to wrap my head around just letting it "go", but you're right, there'll be a point where it's just gonna be OUT there like nobody's bidness, so I might as well get used to it now!

haha! A canteloupe!!! I can't wait!! Once I hit the OFFICIAL 12wk mark, this Sat, I'll definitely get Dono to take snaps of me!