Friday, June 1, 2007

Sleepy Friday!

For the past couple of nights, I've been tossing and turning until 4:30am, only to enjoy a solid sleep for an hour before my alarm goes off. That BLOWS.

Last night was no exception.

I've just been so nauseated, and I need to sip on my ginger ale, and then I have to get up to pee. It's a vicious, vicious cycle!

The coffee's perkin', rest assured.

So anyhoot, Happy June 1st, everyone!

I've been too tired to post everyday (I'll come home and crash after work), but I wanted to post this earlier - a few days ago, I finally met AMAZINGMIMI from the GDT!

She's a flight attendant for the airline I work for, and on Tuesday, her crew was flying through Winnipeg, as they had so many times in the past (on my days off!), so this time, I was excited to hear I'd be working when she came in! What a sweet girl! So pretty, so much fun - sorry Mim's that I only had a minute to spare! Stupid early arriving flights!

Well, I think me coffee's ready now - hope everyone has a great day! :)

1 comment:

Dennis & Jodi said...

Hope yo start feeling better soon and getting more sleep!! Something that helped me with morning sickness was ginger cookies (then u dont have get up to pee so much! LOL)
Have an awesome day!