Monday, May 28, 2007

New ticker!

Buh-bye weight loss ticker (I'm gonna miss that lil' snail guy, he was really becoming a good friend of mine!), and hello new baby ticker!

I find the fatigue that's taking over my body is also contributing to my feeling like a big ol' lump. (That, and me sending my hubby out for the odd DQ blizzard.)

Damn the blizzards.

Anyhoot, these days, I'm more comfortable in my big ol' man pants for work as opposed to the new style of the wide band, 3-buttoned, fitted fashion pieces. Now, my comfort resides in a baggy butt area and an overly-spacious crotchal region.

But that's ok - I hear once this first trimester's up, my energy levels will be relatively back to normal, and perhaps, PERHAPS, I can once again resume some sort of exercise routine. In all honesty, I MISS my elliptical, I MISS my treadmill, I miss my videos and my weights.

Less than 3 wks from now, and I should be feeling pretty good.

Just as long as the baby stops attacking me!

I also find that, aside from half a loaf of bread, the baby also loves juicy fruits. I CRAVE juicy things crazy! I sent Dono out to the store to buy me cans and cans of those lil' mandarin oranges, and I'll mix those with canned pineapple. MMM! See, that's healthy, right?

Ok, time to get my body next to a bucket....we're in for another round of When Babies Attack!

Hope everyone has a great day! :)

1 comment:

maria said...

Aw, I'll miss your little snail, too. That's a great tracker, though!

Your cravings crack me up. At least they're tasty - yum mandarins and pineapple!

Hope the walnut (is that too little, now?) is a bit nicer to you soon!