Thursday, May 3, 2007


I think today's's supposed to be my day off of work, and they haven't phoned me to come in yet, so I guess it's definitely Thursday today!

What a whirlwind of a time we've been having! It's only been a couple of days since we found out the g'news, but it's killing us to not be saying anything to anyone!

So last night, we cracked - we went to see the premiere of Spider-Man 3, thanks to our good friend (who just happens to be a dj at a popular station here in the Peg - love the freebies!), and after the film, we all went out to the parking lot - and Dono and I just let it spill!!!! We told our friend before even telling either set of parents! HAHA! It was super emotional, we laughed, we cried, he hugged the crap outta us - I know this is only a taste of what's to come, and I canNOT wait to just scream it from the rooftops!

Only the dr says it's not safe to climb up on the roof.


Whew! Well, we're going to tell my family this weekend - Sunday, my mom, dad, sis, bro and niece are all coming over for supper .... I've instructed Dono to NOT touch any electrical outlets this time - I refuse to have a repeat incident (click here to read about the last time I tried to have my family over for supper!) occur.

Anyhoot, so this is the plan - we're going to make a t-shirt for my 2yr old niece - it'll read, "I'm going to be a big cousin" or something like that....after dinner, I'll scoop up Lexi, take her upstairs, put the shirt on her, and bring her back to everyone and just wait and see what happens!

Ooooh, should be fun!

I've been SOOO tired lately, needing naps like crazy (is that a pregnancy thing, or still surgery toxins?). But luckily this morning, I woke up feeling pretty good! I actually cranked up my iPod speaker dock and was dancing around the living room to Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch! I have lots of housework to tackle before the weekend comes, and I wanna get it done while the energy's high!

Thank you all for your words of support and congrats! This is such a huge, incredible deal, hubby and I are still in shock, and CRAZY excited!

So about this blog and WW.....I guess I don't "do" it anymore? I don't know... I heard that I just need to consume an extra 300 cal per day (one glass of milk, someone said?), so should I still follow my pts and throw on a glass of milk too?


Well, I'm off to do my if I'm not already in a good enough mood, I have a Sehpora order being delivered today!!! I'm such a Sephora addict, it's really a disease!

Have a great day everyone!!! :)


Anonymous said...


Mandy said...

Congrats again!!! :) So who is your dj pal???

maria said...

Aw, this is still so exciting! Keep blogging even if you don't keep up the WW-ers, it's just too fun to read. :)

I think the way you're gonna tell the family is adorable! Take a pic of the shirt. :)