Saturday, May 5, 2007

Thank god it's Saturday!

After today's shift, I'm off for 2 days...and tomorrow's the day we're spilling the beans to my family! (We'll be telling Dono's mom on Mother's Day - she lives outta town, and it's hard to drive the 4hrs to get out and see her, and it just so happens that the weekend we can make it up will be even MORE special with this holiday now!).

I can NOT get over how tired I've been lately! And hungry! I can't do anything to satisfy my hunger - or my thirst - yesterday, after work, I was SO ravenous (even though I ate my usual lunch at work at the usual time, and have always been good with that) - in the pelting rain, I stopped off at Subway, ordered a footlong turkey with extra bacon to go, and demolished it completely before I even got home (I live 5 minutes away from the Subway!). I just opened up my throat, and down the hatch it went!

I don't even LIKE bacon! LOL!

Then when I got home, I napped.....from around 2 until hubby got home at 5:30. He woke me up with supper, rubbed my feet, and I fell asleep AGAIN until about 9:30, and then went straight to bed! Craziness!

I was up twice during the night cuz I had to pee, too. Oh man, and this is only the BEGINNING!!! lol

Anyhoot, I thought I would try to stay dedicated to my food forecasts - I don't want to be one of those moms-to-be who feels it's ok to devour the entire cookie aisle at Superstore just b/c she's pregnant! I want to hold myself accountable, and make sure I'm eating all the good stuff I'm supposed to!

And any moms out there, pls review my menu and offer me advice and tips - if I'm eating something I'm not supposed to, if I need to up in intake of one food group over another....I have tons of books and mags, but I haven't read them all yet!, so I'm still learning!

Ok, so here it goes:

1/4 cup steel cut oats - 2
1 banana - 1.5
cinnamon - 0
1 cup coffee - 1 (I hear 1-3 cups of coffee is ok, and I don't drink it everyday....???)
= 4.5

1 All Bran bar - 2
1 granny smith apple - 1
salad - 0
= 3

2 cups Gardennay mediterranean tomato soup - 2
2 slices WW whole wheat toast - 1
1/2 tbsp peanut butter - 1
1 banana - 1.5
= 5.5

I don't know...I'll probably be too busy napping to get a snack in!

I really wanna make some of that Mexican pizza again....which reminds me, I should pull some stuff outta the freezer for that! Can't remember how many pts for 2 slices - 7, I think? Sure, let's go with that!
salad - 0
= 7

Off to get my day going here! I have to leave for work in just over an hour, and I still have to make brekkie and blow dry my hair .... oh, and give myself plenty of time to play with my new Sephora stuff! lol

Have a great day everyone!


Anonymous said...

you are so cute...the cravings are starting already, amazing what a baby on the way can do. I have no children but that menu looks awesome, have a great Saturday :)

Mandy said...

I love your energy hun!!! That sub that you had is my exact subway fave. Mmmm!