Saturday, May 19, 2007

EXTRA long weekend!

Good day everyone!

Today has been a lovely day - I got out of work early, my hubby and I went for ice cream, we spent the afternoon together watching the Sens game (they won in OT and are moving on!....just fyi, we were Sens fans before it was "cool" to like the Sens! lol), and he let me nap while he did his freelance work at the computer! It was WONDERFUL!

Beautiful weather, a relaxing day - now it's after 8pm, and I'm just getting some stuff done around the house. We're off to Calgary tomorrow to spend the afternoon at Ikea, followed up by a swim in our hotel pool, and then an evening out with his dad at a fancy schmancy restaurant. Monday, we're meeting up with our best friends (and the Season Finale of 24 is Monday night!!!!!), and then I start training on Tuesday, and am in class until Thursday, returning Thursday night.

The way my sked worked out, I'll be off Fri-Mon too, so I'm off for over a week!

Now THAT's a jam-packed week! I've already made out my Ikea shopping list, and I can't wait to get those strings of lights for my patio and garden! It's gonna look so pretty!

I'm looking forward to doing some gardening next Friday, put up my new lights and do some planting - hopefully the weather prevails. And of course, some sun tanning. I needs me some colour, and bad!

Hope everyone has a great week, and I'll post when I return!!!

1 comment:

Shrunk said...

I'm so glad that you are doing well :O)