Friday, March 16, 2007

A case of the blahs

Today's been an off day for me! I planned out my menu, but haven't stuck to it! I haven't overeaten, and I still have enough pts for a good supper and a snack, but I've just been soooo tired lately! I crashed again when I got home from work at noon, and woke up to Oprah at 4! I could've slept longer, but I figure I won't sleep tonite.

Now I just feel so lethargic!

I snuck a peek on the scale this morning, and still no huge losses from sticking to the Wendie Plan. I think, starting Monday, I'm going to go back to the regular Flex plan, and see what happens with that. I sure will miss my 37pt days!

I'm going to try to find some energy to get some APs in today, here's hoping!

1 comment:

Shrunk said...

Don't give up on Wendie after just one week! You've got to at least try it for 2. Sometimes it takes your body a week to realize what's going on. I wouldn't give up so soon :O)