Monday, March 19, 2007

Quick review!

Although I intended on staying in bed all day today after the weekend's perogy-making marathon, I ended up going to visit my sister, my niece and the rest of my family. I spent allll day there, didn't bring a snack along, so by the time I got home, I shoved a few chocobran muffins in my face, made a yummy tandoori chicken wrap, some popcorn (today was SHD, so I had to get as many pts in as I could!), and then left to get DH from work.

We stopped off at Superstore for a few more potatoes (more perogy orders came in! AHHH!), and DH picked up some slowpokes! I hadn't had those in YEARS! So needless to say, we were munching on them on the way home.

"It's ok," I figured, "I have to eat all my pts!"

And then I started feeling guilty, b/c I know I should have consumed healthier options, like yogurt and All Bran bars (and more chocobran muffins!).

Had a 4oz steak with mashed potatoes for supper (too tired to try the Mashed Fautateux recipe from my new ESBM cookbook!), and a salad.

Watched this week's episode of 24 (god, that Jack Bauer sure is brave!), and was ready to go to bed - but instead decided to get 5 APs in!!! I surprised myself with the energy I found within - and I'm glad I got to do it. Hopefully that Turbo Jam counteracts all the slowpokes I stuffed my face with! LOL

The weather is crappy - hoping tomorrow, for my day back at work, it's a bit warmer. Snowy weather is a bitch for the airline industry!

3.5 L water
5 APs (Turbo Jam'in'!)

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