Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I have the best hubby in the world!

I know everyone says this about their spouse, and I MAY be exaggerating here!, but it's the little things he does that just make me love him so much more! I came home from work this afternoon, my first day back on 4hr shifts, and I was SOOOOO tired! But I planned on picking him up from work, so I had to stay awake. He phoned, told me to nap and that he would call me to wake me up so I could come and get him....but instead he let me sleep! I woke up to him coming home at 5:30 - he WALKED home, 5.5 km, just so that I could nap! and MAN, I feel so much better!

Lucky for us both it's a nice day outside (finally!).

Man, I sure do enjoy using exclamation points!

Anyhoot, here's what's on today's roster:


3 egg whites = 1

2 slices WW toast = 1

1/2 cup yogurt = 1

3 tbps wheat germ = 0

= 3


1 All Bran bar =2

1 banana = 1.5

= 3.5


1/3 cup couscous + leftover Southwestern veggies = 2

salad = 0

1/2 lg grapefruit = 1

1 pce choco oatmeal cake = 6

= 9


2 slices WW bread, 1 slice low fat cheese, a bit of chicken deli meat = 2.5

1 Campbell's Soup at Hand veggie beef = 1

= 3.5


2 cups of coffee = 1

1 mini Italian appetizer (while the company was here, I totally held back from eating the whole tray I prepared!) = 1.5


2L of H20 down the hatch so far....

Lack of energy prevents me from even dreaming of how many APs I'll get, but I'm working on litre 3 of my water. Here's hoping that green tea kicks in, mama needs me some good energy!

We've got someone coming over this evening, a financial planner that my hubby used to work with. I'm in Oprah's Debt Diet mode, and with us wanting to buy a new house in a few yrs, I'm hoping he can shed some light on some things. It's great, but at the same time it sucks, because he's coming at 7, and that's when NBC Dateline's To Catch a Predator is on!!! I love that show! Maybe he wouldn't mind if we have it on the in background while he and DH crunch numbers! HA!

1 comment:

Shrunk said...

Did you eat the 4 ap's you earned? And you shorted yourself half a point! You aren't one of those undereaters are you? Your menu today is making me hungry. We eat totally different hey?