Sunday, March 25, 2007

Hen parties need to be had more often!

Wow, last night's Hen Party was pretty fun!

I saved enough points to allow myself to indulge in all the goodies at the potluck party, but I didn't go too crazy! (I maaaaaaay have gone over a couple of pts with the bevies I had, but once every now and then's ok, no?)

Then of course, someone had ordered "entertainment" for the night - sure got lots of APs laughing my arse off!

Got my stupid period yesterday, so I was feeling a bit bloated - but I still looked pretty cute in my pale green tube top! I hadn't worn a tube top since I was 5! It was awesome!

Then we busted it out at the bar, only stayed for an hour - I was feeling so clausterphobic, it was a packed can of sardines in there!

But good times were had by all!

1 comment:

Shrunk said...

Sounds like fun! Of course it's ok to have a few drinks :O)