Sunday, April 29, 2007

Damn you, Facebook!

And damn you, digital camera!

That's right, Facebook (or Crackbook, as my friends call it) has been consuming most of my computer time. Dammit! And adding insult to injury, my digital camera, although I have LOTS of pictures to download from it, for some reason won't allow me to upload my visual goodies to my computer! WHY??!?!?

So all the great piccies I have to share, of the yummy meals I've made and of my adorable niece, are stuck in the bowels of my camera, thus uninspiring me to share my stories on my blog with my famous visually-aided documentaries!


So that's that!

So, here I am, tail between my legs, without pictures to share - but I won't let that stop me anymore! (Plus I have nothing new to report on Crackbook...otherwise I'd be on that instead of this!) HA!

Anyhoot - I have to say, the Rod Stewart show was, to say the least, pretty darn fun! He's one cheesy mofo, and in my opinion, should've been onstage at the Club Regent Casino with his tacky clothes and seizure-like dance moves. But the man can belt out a tune like nobody's bidness!

5th row on the floor was pretty cool, he was THIIIIIIIIIS close to us! My friend is a self-described cougar, and was just lapping up everything ol' Roddy was throwing at us, but inside, I was just thinking, "Oh god, I wish Donovan was here so he could be making fun of this with me!" HAHA! Nah, it was a good show, and we had lots of fun!

I've been trying to stick to my physio-prescribed strength training exercises and stretching routines everyday, but I'm now up to 5hrs a day at work, and I tells ya, my body's feeling it. When I come home from work, I needs me a nap BIG TIME, and I'll fall asleep when Rachel Ray comes on, and won't wake up til Dono comes home from work at around 6 or so.

So, I'm still feeling the effects of the toxins in my system (damn you, surgery!), and I feel guilty about sleeping all the time, and in turn, I end up neglecting my exercising and stretches for the most part. But if I do feel the energy to do it, it's not until around 9 or 10pm, and then I get to bed late, only to wake up early for work the next morning. It's a vicious, vicious cycle!

On the upside, I'M OFF TODAY, and it's gloriously beautiful out there! Yesterday Dono and I did some obligatory spring cleaning - he washed the windows while I got our gardens ready for eventual planting. It was quite the workout in the hot sun, but I feel better now that everything's clean and ready and waiting!

Today, we're going to get our APs in with our flyer delivery, and then hit up ye ol' Superstore for some groceries - we're heading over to my parent's tonite for supper (bbq'd chicken!) and I'm bringing the fresh fruit salsa and dessert, so I need some groceries to get my shyte together!

Here's today's food forecast:

1/4 cup steel cut oats - 2
1 banana - 1.5
cinnamon - 0
coffee w/ff creamer - 1
= 4.5

1 serving Buoy Meets Grill - 5
salad - 0
= 5

1 cup strawberries - 0
2 tbsp light Cool Whip - 0
1 grapefruit - 1
= 1

bbq chicken w/fresh fruit salsa - 4
salad - 0
1 slice Angel Food cake w/cool whip 'n strawberries - 2
= 6


Since I have a few extra pts to play with, I may pop some chocobrans down my throat at some point during the day!

Off to do flyers - hope everyone has a great day!!!!!


maria said...

Facebook ... sucks the soul away indeed. ;)

Your posts always make me crack up, I'm not sure why. You just have a really fun way with things. I too shove chocobrans down my throat. :)

Love, love, love the sound of that salsa. I think I'll make it when I'm back home this week and bbq-ing!

Anne said...

I agree, facebook is evil, but I just can' stop!!