Saturday, April 21, 2007

Early Saturday morning...

Despite my being a lump yesterday, doing nothing but sitting at the computer editing the video (which is almost done, I think....kinda....not really..!!!), I did manage to get in some APs which I'd like to report!

4 APs!!! HOORAY!

2 for 40 min strength training
1 for 20 min treadmill
1 for 20 min elliptical

(it was 11:30pm by the time I finished, I probably could have gone longer if I didn't have to wake up at 5:45am today!)

Tonite, Dono and I are going to a big ol' Ukrainian feast thingo - his cousin's a dancer, and their troupe is holding a party - meal, watch the dance, and then a social after. My sis is coming along, I like getting her outta the house, and my brother's joining up with us for the social part. Should be good times - I think I'll only have about 6pts for the dinner, though - Dono's gonna have to eat what my pts don't allow! (he won't mind!)

Today's food forecast:

1/4 cup steel cut oats - 2
cinnamon - 0
1 banana - 1.5
coffee w/ff creamer - 1
= 4.5


not sure what else is going on here, but I'll figure it out and post again later! I have to get me arse to work now! Cripes!

ps. I just joined this Facebook thing last night - still trying to figure it out.... anyone else on it? So much for MySpace, I guess!


Dee said...

I joined Facebook too after one of my friends invited me. I don't really get it yet, but I'll give it a chance. I hear people always saying how they've gotten back in touch with old friends but I haven't seen any yet!

Anonymous said...

If you just joined facebook, you are in biggggggg trouble, it is so addictive, i love it and hate it :0
Enjoy and by the way amazing new pic...hottie!

maria said...

Haha ... facebook, watch out. It will eat your time away. Your pic is so pretty - love the shirt. :)