Monday, April 2, 2007

New month, new template!

Happy April!

Sure, there's a bit of snowy flakes falling, but who cares? Easter's just around the corner, and life is grand!
Yesterday's catastrophic events could have very easily been mistaken for an April Fool's joke, but in the end, everything worked out wonderfully - I'm DOWN for today's WI!

Two wks ago, I was pleased to report a 3lb loss - bringing me to 152.5. Then last week, all hell broke loose (TOM), and I was up to 158.5! Well, this week, I went back on the flex plan, drank 3L of water and got only 18APs in, and I'm down!

152lb, BABY!!!

I love making my little snail move on my ticker (move in the RIGHT direction, that is!).

Ahhh, today's going to be a great day!

First day of holidays, I'm feelin' pretty good, my tattoo is a week away - and life is grand!!!

Hope everyone else has a fantastic day, too!

Here's what my menu today will consist of:


1/4 steel cut oats - 2

1/4 cup skim milk - 0.5

1/2 tbsp brown sugar - 0.5

coffee w/ff creamer - 1

= 4


All Bran bar - 2

banana - 1.5

= 3.5


1 pesto wrap w/55 gm tandoori chicken - 5

salad - 0

1 glass V8 - 0

= 5

MODIFICATION - I had NONE of this for lunch!!! Instead, I had 2.5 pts worth of cashews at my parent's house!


1 apple - 1

1 chocobran muffin - 1

= 2

NOPE! Ix-nay on this whole bit!


TBA, probably something chicken-y - I have 6.5 pts left to play with for supper and a snack.

I ended up eating at my parent's place - didn't stop to think that I can't make anything chicken-y b/c my oven's still broken! So instead, I had 6 meatballs, 1/2 cup egg noodles, and steamed asparagus = 8pts

popcorn - 2

little chocolate Easter eggs - about 3pts worth

= 5


4 APs (20 min jogging, 20 min walking, 20 min strength training)

1 comment:

Shrunk said...

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, you're 152!!!! How cool is that? Congrats :O)